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*Jungkook's Pov*

Aish, why did I drink? It was just a fuckn sentence Jungkook.


I was walking to my room when I heard Dahyun mention my name.

"Ah seriously, then who would you be with? Jungkook?" She elbows Ji Yeon. What are they talking about? Does she like me? Don't jump to conclusions Jungkook.

"Puh-lease. I'd rather be with Jimin." Jimin, aish, its always Jimin! I walk away in annoyance. Why does she always talk about that Jimin? He's nothing better than me.

I went to Jimin and my room. And I just had to share a room with that guy. Wait, why the fuck am i even worrying about that? I'm obviously better than him. And why do I care about who Ji Yeon likes better? Its not like I care about her. I just want to be the best at everything I guess.


I decided to take a break. I went to the balcony after I grabbed a couple bottles of soju. I'm just gonna drink to let go of this damn useless thought.


"Jungkook-ah, get to bed now. You've been drinking for a while and a lot now. Why the heck are you even drinking? We just arrived here and you got a problem already? What is wrong with you?" I hear Jimin ask. I rolled my eyes.

"Just cuz you're good at reasoning doesnnt mean that you're bwetter than me pabooo."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Yah! You're always better for...." I fell asleep.

*end of flashback*

Aaaaish, I drank too much soju. All because of tha.....


""You drunkard. You chose to sleep over the trip. Only idiots make such a horrible desicion like that. Aish, I don't even know why I'm here." Hmm,that voice is familiar...she was about to leave but I grabbed her arm.

"Let go of me jerk." She tried to let go from my grip but I was stronger than her. "Yah, what do you want from me?"

"S-stay here~~with m-meeee" I dont know why I was saying shit.

"Aish, your breath smells like alcohol. Have you been drinking?"

"Nooo of course nott" i deny

"Pabo. Why would you drink?" Isnt it obvious...

"Becau-" I passed out.


The next thing I knew was that I was on my bed. I opened my eyes. She was sitting on the bed, next to me. I smiled for some reason.

"Why does a guy like you have to be a playboy?" I heard her say. She was about to leave again but I grabbed her hand once more.

"What the hell-"

"S-stay here p-please. I need you." I whisper. I had the sudden feeling to want to be with her...

"Hell no. I'm calling Jimin to take care of you and I am le-" I cant let her leave...no...the soju....

I kissed her. I don't know what came up to me. I just, happened to. . Aish, why did I even have to drink. Luckily, I got my senses back.

* Ji Yeon's Pov*

I, I couldn't push away. What the hell? It's like I have no control of my own body. But why would he kiss me? Well maybe it was just to shut me up. Then I finally came back to my senses and push him away.

Breaking The Playboy[Jungkook Fanfic]||#Jamlessawards2k18Where stories live. Discover now