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*Ji Yeon's Pov*

"I heard the Jeons asked you for a favor." I almost choked on my pancakes. How did she know that?!

"Ah yes. They asked me to look out on their son. I don't know why." I answered.

"I see. Oh, you finished all your pancakes. Let me get you some more."

"No no. I don't wamt anymore. I'll be going to my room now." I stood up from the table and went upstairs to Taehyung's room.


"So how did it go?" He asks. I sigh. "I guess its not going well."

"You think?" I roll my eyes.

"How was it not good then?"

"He is a rebel. He won't follow me at all. Well at first when he was still shocked but now it is very hard." I lay on his bed exhausted. He was on his little computer area.

"That's my bed."

"You think I don't know that?" I let out a sigh. "I don't want to do this anymore."

"Then don't."(A/N:I dont know what happened but I just suddenly started making him different for who knows why XD)

"I can't not. There's..err..something stopping me from not doing it." I shake my head. No, I don't know why.

"What is that something then?" I look at him and raise a brow. "What?"

"You've been acting very strange lately. Why are you suddenly acting like the brother I always wanted my whole life that never came?"

"Ouch. You just had to say it." I giggle.

"I'm sorry. I just had to blurt it out." He just shrugged and wemt back to his computer. What is up with him?

"What a guy." I stand and walk out of the room. I lt makes me hate reality and life.


"Ji Yeon-ah, wake up. Mom said." He shaked my shoulder back and forth slowly. I frowned while I was still 'asleep'. Why isn't he tickling or anything?

"Ji Yeon-ah come on. Or we'll be late." He continued shaking my shoulder.

"Mak me." I say with my head under the pillow. I heard him sigh.

"Fine, if you won't get up I'll have to tickle you then." He lazily said. Here it comes!

"Tickle. Tickle." He tickled me but there was no emotion on his face. What the hell is wrong with him these days.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung. What is wrong with you? Why are you so down. What happened to the bubbly Taehyung?!" My voice cracked at the last part. I was really pissed off at his attitude lately. If he isn't himself I feel so alone. He was the only hapiness I had.

"Ji Yeon-ah," He started. He looked away after. I clenched my fist in annoyance.

"What?! Tell me. Why is it that you've been so emo to me lately?! I feel so..so..so..alone. left behind. Do you know that?! I feel like everyone is changing but me." I wiled my eye before a tear was able to come out.

He sighed and open his arms out signing to give him a hug. I don't have a choice. That was what I wanted even though it wasn't me to give in easily.

"Aigoo,my dongsaeng, why are you so emotional." He patted my back.

"Yah, it's your fault. Why did you suddenly become emo eh?" I ask whil punching his belly. His cute little belly.

"Its nothing to worry about. Okay? Oppa will be bubbly again. For you." He hugged me tighter.

"Ah jinjja, all my guy friends keep using cheesy lines that are supposed to be used for their girlfriends. Say that to Dahyun will you!" I cross my arms.

"You know why Jimin and I say these to you and not our girlfriends?" What? How did he know it was Jimin? "Because a sister and a best friend like you is enough for us." I almost cried at what he said. But I won't show him my weak side!

"Heh, touching but I'm not crying."

"I thought you would though." He pouted. There, that's the brother I know and love.

"Whatever. Let's go or else we'll be late."

"Haha,so much emotional drama. Gross." He said.

"I know." Heh, we're weird. I know. #siblinggoals XD


"Ji Yeon, you still don't have classes yet. So do we. Come with me to the gang. They said they have something to tell us." He said without looking at me. Oh no not again. "Bring your friend too." I looked at him and smirked.

"Oh you mean Dahyun-ah? Of course she has to come. I want my big brother to be happy when we go there." I smile widely. He just scoffed.

"Do you want me to become emo again?" My eyes eyes widened,

"NO PLEASE NO" He laughed.

"Just kidding. I won't."

"Hi oppas!" I greet them. They greet back. I look at Jimin. "Jimin-ah!" I wave at him abd smile brightly.

"Ji Yeon-ah." He weakly smiled.

"Guys, I've been wanting to tell you,-" I cut hobi oppa's words.

"WAIT! I NEED TO CALL DAHYUN-AH." I basically scream. "Hang on oppa."

*calling White Tofu*

"Hello Dahyun-ah,come over quick! It's urgent."
[Um okay.]

"Okay lets just wait for her."


"Sorry I took a long time. So what was so urgent that you had to call me?" I smiled widely.

"Hobi opp is about to say something." She gave me a 'seriously' face.

"Okay, now we're just waiting for Jungkook." Hobi oppa said. Oh yeah, that hoe is in my brother's group...

"I'm here." He looked at me and we exchanged glares. "Does she have to be here?"

"Yes. She is my sister." Taehyung says. Aww so cute oppa^^

"Whatever." Jungkook scoffs.

"OKAY FINALLY." Hobi oppa starts off almost screaming. "My parents planned me a trip to Hawaii! She said I can bring as much friends as I want and I'd like to bring you all there? What do you say?" He smiled brightly.

"SURE!" We all said un unison except for Jungkook who was just standing there with his arms crossed. KJ.

Breaking The Playboy[Jungkook Fanfic]||#Jamlessawards2k18Where stories live. Discover now