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*Kim Ji Yeon's Pov* 

Dear Diary,

I saw this really handsome boy in the hallway today. His looks were rare. In a good way. I've never seen anyone who is as good looking as him. Well, there's my brother but let's erase him from this scene. Let's just appreciate how handsome this guy is. I know I'm just high school but the love stories mostly start in high school right?

Dear Diary,

What a waste in looks. That guy was a playboy. Who knew? Those good looks are useless. Well if he were to enter modelling that's fine but seriously? I was starting to have interest in him but really, nevermind! I'm lucky I found out earlier. Well, should I break him?
Dear Diary,

I decided to break this playboy. He has to save those good looks. He's lucky I find him really handsome that I'll help him.
Dear Diary,

It's been two weeks and Jungkook has been better now. He isn't like before anymore. He suddenly became kind. I'm so proud of myself.
Dear Diary,

Third week, guess what? He has completely become a normal person! And the best news, he asked me out! Knowing my standards obviously I accepted him. He felt different from the others....I may just be in high school but I can love too right?


Dear Diary,

I can't believe after us dating for so long he would just suddenly ask me to leave him. I thought he really loved me. That jerk. I guess I never actually changed him.

Dear Diary,

It's been a week but I just can't stop crying. I really can't get over it. I love him so much. Even after our break up. I knew he broke up with me to protect me but...we could've fought together. I should go out and refreshen myself some more. Come on Kim Ji Yeon. You're better than this.

This...this is my diary...mom had it the whole time?

Never mind that, I need to go. I need to see Jungkook.


I ran out of my hotel room. I looked around to see if he was anywhere near.  I ran to his room. It was open luckily, but he wasn't there.



"You're wondering where Jungkook is right?" He pulled back his hair and looked up for a while then he stared back at me. His gaze was new. Mysterious. I can't tell what's on his mind. "He's by the pool. He said he needed to refreshen himself. Probably you did too?" I didn't know what to say. "I know you too much Ji Yeon."

I just smile in response. "I'm sorry Jimin."

"It's okay. If it makes you happy, I'm happy too." He forced a smile. I don't liek seeing Jimin this way. But right now, I need to find Jungkook first.

I ran to the swimming pool and looked around. I couldn't find him.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I looked at who it was.

"Looking for me?" He smirked.



There was an awkward silence between us. We were sitting by the pool together just staring out in the open. I found it really weird how we weren't talking. There was so many questions going on in my mind.

Does he know? Does he remember? What is he thinking? What will he say? What will happen to us now?

"Ji Yeon-ah..." I froze in place. What's he gonna say? Omo.

He chuckled. "You seem nervous. Especially now that you know we were so close before. Why change now?"

What the hell did he say right now? I couldn't get him.

"Jungkook I.."

"Ji Yeon." We held eyes for a moment then he held my hand. "Can we get back together? Like before this whole accident. Let's start from where we ended before the accident."

My heart was beating so fast. I didn't know what to do at that moment. But all I remember was answering him.



"Jagi~" He wrapped his arms around my waist. I giggled.

"What now?" He let go of me and stood infront of me.

"I have something to show you." He held my hand and dragged me somewhere. We stopped walking then he covered my eyes with his hands. "Don't look yet. It's a surprise." We continued walking until we reacjed somewhere. He removed his hands from my eyes and I was speechless at what I saw.

We were in a room filled with beautiful lights, glow in the dark stuff and a 3D galaxy and more it was basically like the plave we went to before.

"I know it seems like the place we went to on our vacation but I made all these by hand. I searched alot of youtube videos just for this." He rested his chin on my shoulder. "Hope you like it."

"I love it. Thank you." I faced him and we held eyes. I was so lucky to have a guy like Jungkook.


Sorr guys of that was a boring ending, I just finished this story because I have a new story in mind and I have to start it before it goes away lol anws thanks for supporting the story til the end i promise i will make more stories:--)

Breaking The Playboy[Jungkook Fanfic]||#Jamlessawards2k18Where stories live. Discover now