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*Ji Yeon's Pov*

"Jimin are we almost there?" I ask him while placing my head on his shoulder.

"Almost. Just hang in there. I should be the one tired here. I'm the one holding the things you bought."

"Oh, is that so? Then let me hold them." I try to grab the bag but he moved it away.

"No Ji Yeon. I'll hold this. You're a lady." I scoff.

"Okay fine you win." I cross my arms. "You've been very kind to me lately." He looks at me.


"So are you playing dumb now? Well, first of all you bought me all these merchandise and then you apologized. Then you offered to carry the bag. You know you weren't like this before." I complain.

"So you want the Jimin who always teases you,calls you pabo and insults you all the time and never offers to help? But sweet? That doesnt sound good together. And besides, we both grew up. It's better this way. Arasso?" I sigh in defeat. "Good girl. Now come on, we're here."

"You guys are finally back." Hobi oppa said.

"What took you idiots so long." I looked to see who said that. Pfft. It's that guy Jungkook.

"We just bought Minnie Mouse things." I answer sweetly. Yet I'm very annoyed with this guy.

"Aren't you too old for those shit?" He asked annoyed. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Let's go Jimin." I drag Jimin inside the cottage. Their hangout is a cottage in the beach with a grill outside. It's quite cute.

"Jin oppa, where's Tae?" I ask.

"He's by the sea with Dahyun." I smile at the thought.

"Jimin-ah, do you mind and stay here for a while? I'll just go check on them." He nods.

I walk out of the cottage to see what the both of them are doing.

Oh, they're so cute. They're sitting together on the sand looking at the sea. How I wish I could experience that too. All the boys around me are always playboys. I never find the right guy.

"Are you spying on those two?" I jump in shock. What the hell is his problem and he has to sneak up to me like that?!

"Yah, what's your problem?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you." I scoff.

"Nice try Jeon. But I'm used to that playboy line. Pathetic really." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Jin hyung wants me to call you guys. Just get in already." He grabs my hand. I immediately took my hand back.

"I can walk myself. And I still need to call my brother and Dahyun." I say.

"Tae! Jin hyung is calling you two." He calls. The two quickly stood up and walked seperate ways. "Now,let's go." He grabs my hand again. Aish, what is wrong with this guy.

"I would be a bad friend to not escourt my friend in. Now go with my brother if you mind." I run towards Dahyun.

"Let's go?" She nods.

"What's with you and Jungkook?" I look at her. "What?"

"Nothing is going on if you must ask such a useless question." I roll my eyes. "What's going on with you and my brother?" Her eyes grew wider and her cheeks instantly turned red.

"N-nothing. We're just friends. He's really fun to be with that's all." She says without looking at me. I knew it.

"Of course. You're just friends." I roll my eyes.

"Yah, what took you both so long?" Taehyung asks. Although he wasn't looking at Dahyun.

"We were just discussing some things." I smirk. Dahyun-ah come sit next to me. I let her sit next to me since Tae is a seat after me and Jimin is at the other side next to me.

She hesitated but sat down eventually. She wouldn't look at any of us at all. She would just look st thr floor or me. Jimin elbowed me.

"Yah, Ji Yeon-ah what now?" Jimin whispered.

"I don't know." He sighs. My phone vibrated.


Get home now.

"Taehyung-ah let's go. Eomma already texted me." He sighed the stood up. "We'll be going. Jimin, tell the others we're leaving." He nodded.

"Oppa, what's with you and Dahyun?" He looked at me and then looked away immediately. "Isn't she the one I saw on your phone?" He still didn't bother to answer. "Yah-"

"Yes she is. She was the one you saw. Okay?" I bit my lower lip. I felt guitly for asking him that.


"No its okay you asked. I'm fine Ji Yeon. I just wanna think for a while." Wow, it's the first time I saw him this serious. That's new.


"Aigoo," I lay on my bed looking straight at the ceiling.

Wait, my Minnie things! I left them with Jimin!

To:jamless being^^

Jimin, do you have my merch?>~<

Aish, why did I forget that of all things. They were new and sooo cute.

From:jamless being^^

Yep they are. Just get them from me tomorrow :)

Yipee! Best best friend ever! <3

Okay that was a lame chapter😂but whatev there's still the next one^^

Breaking The Playboy[Jungkook Fanfic]||#Jamlessawards2k18Where stories live. Discover now