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*Ji Yeon's Pov*

I stretch my arms. I had a great night sleep. I walk to the bathroom and wash my face. I also tie my hair in a messy bun.

"Ji Yeon-ah, what time did you wake up?" Dahyun rubs her eyes.

"I just woke up a few minutes ago. How was sleep?" I walk to the little bar we have in our room to grab coffee in a can. (Lol)

"It was great. This bed is sooo comfy." She lays back down and hugs the pillow. Again, so cute.

"Come on, prepare now. We have to get going. We're gonna eat breakfast with the rest." She groans then nods.


"Hey guys!" I greet them happily. I don't know why but I feel so happy today.^^

"Hi Ji Yeon. You seem happy today." Jimin says. I smile widely.

"I don't know. I just feel like being happy." I sit down next to him. "Dahyun-ah,sit next to me." I let her sit next to me because if she sits there the only available seat left is next to her and Taehyung isn't here yet^^

"Sure. I wouldn't want to sit with anyone else."

"Sorry I'm late. I was enjoying sleep." Finally, Taehyung is here.

"Oppa! Come sit. We were just about to start.

"Wow, so kind. I wish you were like this all the time." He was about to sit down but then he realized the seat he was gonna sit in. His eyes grew wider. I grinned. Dahyun looked at me with a bad look. I just smiled.

"Oppa, get sitting now. We're hungry." I complain playfully.

"Yeah, we've been waiting for so long just sit down already!" Jimin plays along. Taehyung groans but eventually sits down next to Dahyun.

"Aish, come on the four of you. Let's just eat. I'm hungry. Yah, Jimin and Ji Yeon, if you two are gonna play cupid do it after we eat." Yoongi says.

We just ate quietly the whole time until Hobi said something.
"Okay, so today we're going to Sea Life Park Hawaii."

"OMG! I heard there were dolphins there!" Dahyun says excitedly.

"Yeah there is." Hobi replies.

"I wish there were eagles though." She mumbled. I giggled. Eagles? At a sea life Park? Anyways, I am quite excited to go. It's just that I'm not that into water animals that much.

"This is gonna be fun Ji Yeon." Jimin smiles at me. I smile back.

"You do know I don't like-"

"You don't like water animals. Yes I know. That's why I want you to go so you would like them. They're cute. Why don't you like them?" He pouts.

"Because I don't." He sighs.

"Fine. But it doesn't matter if you like it or not. As long as I'm with you, it'll be fun." I roll my eyes. Some times, his jokes are not funny. At all.

"Oh by the way, where's Jungkook." Taehyung asks. That brat. Always wants to be the center of attraction. Where the hell could he be? Probably with his girl. But I dont hella care.

"He's in the room. He doesn't want to come." Jimin says.

"Why?" I suddenly ask. What the hell Ji Yeon! Why did you ask? Now they'll assume.

"I dont know. He just said that he wasn't in the mood on coming." Jimin said without looking at me.



Sweety could you check on the notebook I gave you? I wanna make sure that you didnt loose it yet.

Aish, well I have to check it. Maybe it is lost and then eomma  will get mad at me.

"Guys, I've been there before. I'll just catch up with you. Eomma told me to check on something."

"You sure you just don't want us to wait for you?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

"Okay," I start walking away and go to mine and Dahyun's room. Aish, what was I thinking. Letting them leave without me. I was just gonna be quick.

"Ah, the notebook is safe. I really regret telling Jimin to leave without me. Argh." I walk out of the room. Pfft, that jerk left the door of his room open. Clearly a room service lady went in.

I check on the door to see what he was up to. Oh, he's sleeping on his couch. Pfft. He was just gonna sleep the whole trip. He's missing out on a lot.

I walk in the room. I dont know why I am. Its like I have no control of my feet. I stood next to the couch. Wtf am I doing here? Oh, he does look cute while he's sleeping.

 Wtf am I doing here? Oh, he does look cute while he's sleeping

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"You drunkard. You chose to sleep over the trip. Only idiots make such a horrible desicion like that. Aish, I don't even know why I'm here." I was about to leave when I felt a hand on my arm. Pssh. He was holding me.

"Let go of me jerk." I try to let go of his grip but he was too strong. "Yah, what do you want from me?"

"S-stay here~~with m-meeee"

"Aish, your breath smells like alcohol. Have you been drinking."

"Nooo of course nott" yup. He was.

"Pabo. Why would you drink."


"Hep, I don't wanna hear it. I don't care about your affairs." He grinned then stood up.

"Yah," He started. Then he suddenly fell back onto the coach. Aish, seriously.

"Yah, wake up. Yah!" He really isn't gonna wake up is he? I carried him to his bed. Why the hell am I doing this?

I sat down on his bed. I stared at his face sound asleep. Gonna admit he is very handsome. I smiled at that thought. SNAP OUT OF IT. He is a jerk. A playboy.

"Why does a guy like you have to be a playboy?" I stood from the bed but a hand pulled me to lay on the bed. My eyes widened at it.

"What the hell-"

"S-stay here p-please. I need you." He whispers.

"Hell no. I'm calling Jimin to take care of you and I am le-"

He kissed me.

Breaking The Playboy[Jungkook Fanfic]||#Jamlessawards2k18Where stories live. Discover now