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*Ji Yeon's Pov*

"Great." Hobi oppa smiled at us. He looked at Jungkook. "Jungkook-ah, are you coming?"

"Yeah sure whatever." I scoff. What kind of person is he to break the excitement.

"Ok great. Dad said we'll be leaving on Thursday until Sunday. He already excused us on those three days of school." I smile. A vacation in the middle of August, that would be great.

"Ji Yeon-ah, are you sure it's fine if I come?" Dahyun asks. I smile at her.

"Of course. My brother said so." Her eyes grew wider.

"Y-you mean Taehyung?" She stuttered. I nod. "Oh okay." I smirk. She is so cute.


"Ji Yeon-ah, are you ready?" Eomma asks.

"Yes eomma. How about Taehyung?" I ask back. Actually, even though it may not be obvious, I'm really excited for the trip today!

"He was prepared since yesterday. He was really excited." I giggle. How cute. He always is this excited for trips. Especially if  with friends.

"Okay, I'll be going to his room later when I'm done." Eomma nodded and then left my room. I packed lots of shorts and shirts since it would probably be hot there. I also brought my favorite swimsuit.

So, what should I wear while on the plane? Ah, I know.

I'll be wearing this on the plane and just probbably change into my clothes there

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I'll be wearing this on the plane and just probbably change into my clothes there.

"Taehyung-ah, are you ready?" I ask while entering the room.

"Yeah of course. I'm all Guccied up."(A/N:ok i cant im sorry😂)

"(A/N:ok i cant im sorry😂)

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"Whatever. Let's just get going to Hobi's house."

"Don't you have to pick up your friend." He said while looking around trying to avid eye contact with me.

"She has a name Tae." I say.

"Yeah." I roll my eyes.

"But you're right. Thanks for reminding me. Let's go." His eyes grew wider.

"I'n not coming to pick her up."

"Yes you are."

"No. I'm not."

"Pwleeaase." I gave him the puppy eyes. He sighed.

"Fine. Let's go."


"Dahyun-ah! We're here!" I knock on their gate. I saw her run up to the gate and hugged me.

"Yay! I'm so glad you picked me up. Now let's g-" She looked over behind me to see Taehyung who was impatiently waiting while leaning on the car. She looked away. "We should really get going." She whispers to me. I mouth 'yeah'.


"Okay so is everybody here?" Hobi's father asks.

"Yes." I answer.

"No, Jungkook isn't here yet." I sigh. I forgot about that guy.

"I'm here." That hoe said.

"Yah, why do you always wait for us to say 'where's Jungkook?' Do you want to be a star or the center of attraction or something?" I say irritated.

"Pfft." Wtf. That's all he could say? Lame.

"Okay...let's get in our van. We're going to the airport!" Hobi's mother said excitedly.

"Ji Yeon-ah, why did you have to make a scene with him? You could have just let him be." Jimin said. I just shrugged. He sighed.


"So, we already planned your seats. You guys are old enough so we don't need to come with you anymore." We all nodded. I grabbed the seating arrangement from her.


Of all seats, I HAD to be next to him.


"Excuse me, would you liks coffee, tea, water, or milk?" The flight attendant asked us.

She saw Jungkook and immediately blushed. Pfft. What do girls see in that jerk?

"I'd like coffee, " Jimin answers.

"Me too." I say.

"I'd like coffee too. But make sure you're the one who will deliver it." Jungkook winked at the lady. Aish, so annoying.

"Of-of c-course  sir." The lady stuttered. I roll my eyes.

"Oh, are you jealous?" I look at him.

"Excuse me but are you talking to me?" I point to myself.

"OH, its okay baby, we'll have our time later." He winked. Ugh, gross. Makes me cringe,

"Yah, stop sweet talking. I can tell it's grossing Ji Yeon out. Go back to that flight attendant and get a room with her already." Jimin butts in.

"Jimin.." I try to calm him down.

"Ha, you're just jealous because I'm her boyfriend  and not you. You never get the chance to sweet talk her since you're just her best friend." I clenched my fist in anger.

"That's enough Jungkook. Jimin is my best friend. He means alot to me. You can't just bad mouth him like that. If you have a problem with him, you got a problem with me too." I say. He just scoffed and looked to the other side.

"Thanks Ji Yeon."

"Don't mention it. We're best friends." I smile at him. He quickly smiles at me.


"Ah, Hawaii, it seems more different from the last time I came her." Dahyun stretches her arms. "Ji Yeon-ah, you think we're roommates?"

"Yeah. If not I'd be with my brother. And if not, you would be with him." I smirk.

"Ah seriously, then who would you be with? Jungkook?" She elbows me.

"Puh-lease. I'd rather be with Jimin."

"Whatever. I ship you more with Jungkook. Jungyeon for the win! Haha." I roll my eyes then we walk to the hotel and go to our rooms. It's late at night now and we have to sleep. Luckily Dahyun and I are in the same room.

"Ah, so relaxing to lay down on this super comfy bed." Dahyun rolls around her bed. I giggle at her cuteness. A girl like her would be perfect for my brother...oh what am I saying, let me just enjoy this stay in Hawaii.

Breaking The Playboy[Jungkook Fanfic]||#Jamlessawards2k18Where stories live. Discover now