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*Ji Yeon's Pov*

"Aargh," I move around the bed to satisfy myself. I just can't seem to sleep well. I'm not usually like this but I feel awfully weird.

What time is it? GOSH ITS 8:30 classes are at 9:00!! Why couldn't I realize, goddamn these curtains.

Wait,where's Tae?

I walk downstairs. "Morning eomma. Have you seen Tae?"

"He already left." What, he left me? That's weird.


"Dahyun-ah!" I wave at her. She spots me and waves back.

"Ji Yeon-ah!!" She holds both of my shoulders. "I have something big to tell you!"

"What is it?"

"You see, my family and Jungkook's family are friends. They went to our house last night. Well, atleast his parents. Then they told me that I have to tell you that...what was it again.."


"Oh yes, you have to watch over Jungkook. I couldn't understand what they were saying. They said that they need you to break Jungkook."

What? How did they know about that? Are they spies? Gosh.

"I don't know what that means but it seemed like they really needed it. They said they'll pay you." I think for a while.

"How did they know who I was?" I whisper to myself.

"Ji Yeon-ah! Tell me what is going on! I feel left out." She pouts.

"I dont know either. Let's go."

While we were walking, I couldn't help but think about it. Who are they to know about me? And if they really know me, what kind of break do they mean?

"Oh my gosh, Ji Yeon-ah you have to see this. There he goes again." Dahyun sighs.

"Wha-" Ah, I see what's going on. This is gonna be tough. I walk towards them.

"Yah, Ji Yeon-ah are you supposed to interfere with them?" Dahyun asks. I didn't bother answering her.

"Yah," He looked at me with a confused face. "Weren't we supposed to go somewhere together?" I say sweetly. I'm getting really grossed out but this is my job.

He continued to give me the same reaction at first for a while.

"Oh yes, I forgot." He says.

"You always forget. I always wonder what you do to forget." I pout playfully.

"Sorry babe, I had some things to do. Let's get going?" He grinned and grabbed my hand. The girl that was supposed to be his target was just staring at us with her mouth open. So are the rest who saw the entire scene. I smirk at the thought that this was easier than I thought.

When we got far from the crowd I squeezed his arm strong to get his attention.

"Ouch, what the hell was that for?"

"Which one? The squeezing of your hand or me pretending you were my boyfriend?" I grin.

"You pretending I was your boyfriend isn't a problem." He walked in front of me. I roll my eyes then grab his arm,twist it and put it behind his back.


"Oh no, I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry I don't know what came up to me." I let go of his arm and massage it. He looks at me confused.

"What? You hurt me then you try to take care of me? Wh-"

"Do you prefer me hurting you more?" He didnt say anything. "Good. Now, let's go." I drag him going to our classroom.

It's been a while since I last broke a playboy, but I still got it.

"Ji Yeon" I ignore him. "Ji Yeon"

"Yah Ji Yeon!" I look at him without saying anything .

"Mr. Jeon! Why are you screaming while I am discussing here?!" Our teacher scolded. He wasn't able to answer instead stared at me.

"I'm sorry you got scolded. Why do you have to keep calling me?" I finally said. He just sighed and shook his head. I secretly grin. This was getting interesting....we for me atleast^^


"Ji Yeon!" Aish, who is this again. "You atleast have to tell me what is going online?!" Oh, its Jimin.

"Jimin calm down. He's a victim." He mouths an 'oh'. Only Taehyung and Jimin know about my secret job.

"Make sure you don't fall for him. I wanna confess first." I raise an eyebrow at him. "Just kidding baby girl. But really, dont fall inlove with him."

"When did I ever fall in love with one?" I roll my eyes.

"With me." I laugh and punch his arm.

"You're getting cornier. Stop it." I roll my eyes.

"Ehem." We look back to see who it was.

"Jungkook..." He grabs my hand and drags me away from Jimin. I smile at Jimin and he smiles back knowing that so far so good.

"Yah, why were you talking with that guy?" He asks irritated.

"He's my best friend Jungkook. Who are you to tell me who to talk to?" His jaw dropped then he messed up his hair.

"you...you are impossible."

"I know." I grin.

Lololol weird chapter😂anws thats it for this chap hope you liked it^^


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