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*Ji Yeon's Pov*

"Oppa, I'll get going. I need to go to my friend."

"Wow, you have a friend already? I'm proud." I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Bye oppa!"

"Bye! Oh by the way, come after classes. Jimin is here and we have a new squad. You'll LOVE them." He smirked.

"Yeah yeah. I bet they're charming. Okay now bye!" I left before he could say anything else.

"Sorry if that took long Dahyun. My brother is quite a guy."

"No its okay. That was really your brother?" I nod. "He's handsome." She smiles as she spaces out. Is she fantasizing over my alien brother?

"Um yes he is my brother and yes he is handsome but he is weird once you get to know him better." I roll my eyes.

"I like weird." She answers with a smile. I can tell you like weird.

A whistle blowed and we looked at where it came from. "Okay everyone, it's time for the signing up for sports. Go to sign up on which sport you wanna  do."

"What sport are you going to do Ji Yeon?"

"Archery. I'm quite good at it. Not to brag though."

"Oh, thats awesome! I'm joining volleyball." I just smiled at her. What? I don't know what to say.

"Oh see you later Ji Yeon. I'm gonna go sign up now." She waves goodbye and i wave back.

Now, where's the place to sign up for archery? Oh there it is.

"Hey," pfft. I know who that is.

"Is that supposed to be a famous playboy line or are you just trying to piss me off?" I cross my arms.

"Relax. I just wanna say hi." He scoffs.

"I never said you could."

"I don't need your permission. Because I get what I want. And I want you." He was leaning closer and I moved to the side to get away from that jerk.

Confirmed. He is a playboy.

"I'm sorry Jeon Jungkook. Not for staying away from you but for your life. You live a life where you THINK you can get everything you want. Well, Mr. Playboy, I'm Kim Ji Yeon. And I'm here to break you." I grin and walk away from here. Before I got far I heard him mumble 'playboy?' Tsk. What does he think he is then? Pfft. Pabo.


"Okay all  archery players, come over here." Our coach I think said. "Okay,so as for now I'll just let you shoot arrows at the target so I can see who plays well. Okay get started!"

I got a bunch of arrows and a bow. I aimed it at the target. I focused and I shot the arrow and walked closer to see how I did. Wow, I scored 8. Not bad. It's been a while since I've did this. I smile at myself.

"You shouldn't be proud about that score." I faced him and gave him a bad look. He just aimed the arrow to his target. A 10?! "Shook? I know. I'm amazing." He smirked. Tsk.

"Don't feel so proud of yourself just yet Jeon." I said proudly then I aimed the arrow to the target. There, I scored a 10.

"Not bad Kim." Then we shoot arrows seeing who would get lower. It was an endless battle.

"Wow, I see you two are very good at this." Our 'coach' claps slowly. "I'll expect you two in the team." Then she left.

"Of course I'll be better." He says proudly. I scoff.

"It doesn't matter. I dont give a damn." I left him behind there.

"Dahyun!" I wave at Dahyun. She spots me and waves back.

"Ji Yeon!"

"So, how was archery?" She asks.

"Terrible. Horrible. Why?" I reply.

"I should be asking you that. Why was it  'terrible. horrible.'" She jokingly asks. Although, I haven't seen this Dahyun side before. I like it.

"Well, If you have to ask. Jungkook was bothering me the whole time." She looked shocked at what I said.

"Did he make you loose focus?" I chuckle.

"No. We had a little contest. It was a tie though. We both kept scoring 10s."

"WOW! That's awesome! I'm sure you two are gonna be joining the team." She held on to both my hands. "Let's get going."


"Hang on." I grab my phone from my pocket and check my message.

From:oppa from another planet

Come over to the front of the school. I'm here with the gang.(ᵔᴥᵔ)

"Ah, Dahyun. Wanna come with me to meet my brother and his friends?"

"Are his friends hot?" She asked smirking. Woah, Dahyun. So not like her.

"Yeah. Atleast I know one of them is. Let's go."


"Ji Yeon!" Oppa runs to me and gives me a hug. "Here are my frien-"

"JIMIN OPPAAAA" I run to him and hug him tightly.

"Nice to see you too Ji Yeon- ah." He patted my head. I smiled at him.

"Okay that's enough." Tae oppa grabs my hand. "Here are my other friends. Hobi hyung,yoongi hyung,namjoon hyung,"

"Nice to meet you oppas." I smile at them.

"Ehem." I turn around to see who it was. Oh, it was Dahyun. Almost forgot about her.

"Oh sorry Dahyun-ah." I say.

"OH GOSH" Tae slightly screams and dances randomly while moving at the back of Yoongi. What's his problem? Wait...


I walk towards him and grab the phone. Oh, looks like he has a crush.>:)

"Who is this oppa?" I ask mischievously.

"Who is this oppa?" I ask mischievously

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"I dont trust you." I just smiled at him. She is very pretty though.

*end of flashback*

"Oooh, I see." I smile at Tae mischievously who is now hiding behind Yoongi while taking glances at Dahyun. "tae oppa, this is my friend Dahyun. Dahyun this is my brother, Kim Taehyung." I introduce her to Tae. This is gonna be neat.(^_^.)

Breaking The Playboy[Jungkook Fanfic]||#Jamlessawards2k18Where stories live. Discover now