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*Ji Yeon's Pov*

Soooo, where do I go first? Ah, Math.

"OMG HE'S HERE!!" I hear lots of girls squeal.

What? Who's here?

I walk towards the bunch of girls gathered around. I try to squeeze in to see what they were all crazy about.

"Excuse me~pardon me~what the  hell is happeni-" My eyes widened at the sight.


I just kept staring at him while he was walking with my mouth opened. Our eyes met. I immediately looked away.

I wont lie, this guy is cute.


"Hey," I look next to me to see who it was. Oh, it was that hot guy a while ago.

"Hi." I answered shortly. I wasn't in the mood to talk with people yet.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Kim Ji Yeon." I answer without looking at him.

"Oh, thats beautiful, just like the one who owns the name." I looked at him and saw him smirk. I raised an eyebrow at him.

The bell rang. He faced me once again and smiled. "Nice meeting you beautiful." He stood up and walked away.

There's something suspicious about this guy.

Wait, handsome face,flirty acts,seems like he had alot of past girlfriends,he wtf-he flirts with alot of girls. It can't be...but it is very possible with a guy like him though... I just have to confirm it.

I walk around trying to find that boy. Where could he be?

"Ouch!" I rub my forehead. Aish,why couldn't this person see where she or he was going?!

"Yah,next time watch where you're going ." I look sternly at the girl. She nodded. She looks scared though.

I started walking away when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked back to see who it was.


"I-I'm new here and I don't have any friends. W-will y-you be my f-f-friend?" She stuttered. Aish, she's lucky I still have a heart.

"Sure. There's nothing to lose." She hugged me tightly.

"Thank you thank you thank you so much! Now I won't be alone anymore!" I pull out of the hug.

"Calm down girl. No one said we were best friends. Though, we could hang, all I habe here is my brother anyway."

"I'm an only child. So yeah." She smiles widely. "Oh, what's your next period?"

"PE I guess."

"Oh that's great! So am I." She drags me. Pfft. She acts like we're really close.

"Yah, I don't even know your name."

"Oh,yes, sorry. My name is Dahyun. Kim Dahyun. You?" Okay,we share the same surname. Weird. But there's alot of people with Kim as a surname here.

"Oh! Are we cousins or something?" She asks excitedly.

"No no no. We just share the same surname. You're not in our family tree. And besides,  you and I are not the only Kims here."

"Oh okay. Let's keep going!" She continues dragging me. Aish,she reminds me of my brother.-_-

She suddenly lets go of my hand. She stood stiff.

"What's wrong with you?" I ask. Instead of answering, she points it out. I look at where she was pointing at. I got shocked at the sight as well.

"Hey beautiful," He grins at the girl. The girl just blushes. What the, this guy MUST be a playboy for sure. But, I'm a very precise girl.

"Let's just go Dahyun." I drag her away from the area.

"Dahyun, do you know him?" I ask her.

"Well, I'm not sure but he really looks like my old friend's ex boyfriend." She replies.

Ex girlfriend? Sounds serious. Though I need more proof.

"Do you know his name?"

"I think it was Jeon Jungkook."


*at the gym*

"Dahyun, would you mind to stay here for a while? I'll just go over to my brother." She nods. I walk over to where oppa was. He's alone. Good. I can talk to him. Alone.

"Oppa!" I call out to him. He looks back at me and waves.

"Oppa, are you alone?"

"You think?" He laughs. I just scoff.

"What an attitude oppa." I roll my eyes. He messes up my hair. "Yah!"

"Oh my little dongsaeng. When will you learn."

"Learn that you really aren't my brother and that you were born in Jupiter . Why yes, I already learnt that." I grin.

"Tsk. It's Mars pabo."

"You're the pabo here. Not me." I say. This guy always tries to get on my nerves. "Anyways, I just wanted to ask you. Do you know a guy named Jeon Jungkook around here?" I ask.

"Maybe. He's your grade. Why?" I cheekily smile. "Oh no. Don't tell me,"

"Oh yes. He's my next victim. Though, I'm not sure yet so I'll need more proof. But, he's my only target now." I reply.

"Well, make sure you won't fall for him." I gave him a stern look. He just got chuckled. "From the looks of it, it isn't hard to fall inlove with him. Even if he is a playboy." I just scoff.

"And so? I've never fallen inlove with one of my victims. I break them, I leave."

Confused? Well, I'm somehow known im my old school for breaking playboys. The playboys I encounter,break. Without me falling in love with them. It's a pretty neat job for me. Though, it's been a year since I last broke one. I guess Jeon Jungkook will be the next...

Breaking The Playboy[Jungkook Fanfic]||#Jamlessawards2k18Where stories live. Discover now