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*Ji Yeon's Pov*

I was back in the room with Dahyun.

"Yah, Ji Yeon-ah! Why weren't you at the table for so long? Why do you keep leaving me alone with 5 boys?!" I didn't mind Dahyun.

I couldn't stop thinking about Jimin...and Jungkook's confession.

Jimin, my best friend. The only person I ever trusted with everything. All these 8 years we were best friends, I never saw him more than a brother. I always thought of him as a brother. Nothing more. But today, everything might change just because of one little confession. I don't want that. I want us to still be the same. I  never imagined being his girlfriend. At all. But I think he would be a really kind and great boyfriend to me. Knowing him for 8 years is far enough to know him well.

And there's Jungkook, the guy I am supposedly breaking. It's only been a few weeks but why is it that he changed so easily? And to think, he probably changed me too. All my life, I never had a boyfriend. I don't know why I entered this life as a person who breaks playboys. I feel like a playboy myself. But with Jungkook, it felt simple and I felt so different. I couldn't feel any sign of him being a playboy in those past few weeks. The first days of course yes but now, I realized that he has changed. I don't need proof to say that. I know so. He changed. I successfully broke him. But...

What about me?

In the process... did I fall for him too?


"Ji Yeon-ah, wake up. It's already morning. Aish, what have you been doing last night that you are so tired. It's already 10:30 in the morning.  They're all waiting in the lobby for you." Dahyun said.

I groaned and just continued sleeping. I was tired as fuck. I kept thinking last night on who to choose from the both of them. I know, this should've been easy since one is a playboy and one is my long time best friend. But why? Why am I having a hard time to choose? Obviously, Jimin is better but why can't I admit it to myself thst I choose Jimin? Something inside me keeps stopping me.

I like Jimin.

But do I love Jungkook? No. If I were to like one of them, it has to be Jimin. He deserves me more.

"Oppa, let me ride on your back!"

"Alright Ji Yeon."

"AAAAAH!" I scream and hid my head behind the pillow. What thoughts are those?!

"Oh my gosh, Ji Yeon-ah! Are you okay?" Dahyun walked up to me.

"I-I'm fine. Just, I need to rest. Go on without me."

"Okay, just come down when you feel better."

What is happening to my head?!

"Yah, feed me oppa."

"Nope. Beg me."

"Oppa-ya, feed me pwetty Pwleeaase."

"Okay jagi. Say ah"

I fell on the floor. What is this?! Why am I in these thoughts? I don't remember these at all. And who is that guy who always appears in those horrid thoughts?

I decided to go downstairs. I was feeling quite better now.

When I arrived at the lobby I saw....


"Ji Yeon, my daughter." He walked towards me. I just stood there in shock. How did he know I was here? When did he arrive? Why is he here?

"Appa," He hugged me.

"I missed you Ji Yeon." I hugged him back. Tears started to fall from my eyes.

"A-appa, I missed y-you too." He let go of the hug and held both my shoulders.

"How are you?  your friend Dahyun said you had to rest. What happened?" Should I tell him? Maybe I should. Maybe that's why all this is happening to me.

"Appa, I've been seeing thoughts that I don't know about. But...I was there...I dont know. I was the girl there but there's this guy...I don't know." I was almost about to cry but I held it in. I wanted to know so badly. I might not have mentioned it but I've been having these kinds of dreams other times too but they were less painful in the head.

Appa just looked down and sighed. "That's what I wanted to tell you about. That is why I'm here." He paused, "When you were 16, just like you are now, you break playboys. You broke Jungkook once and fell in love with him. Then you dated. You dated for 9 months then one day for a reason we don't know, you two just broke up. We didn't know why. Then we heard thst you two met each other on the highway while it was raining. Then there it happened. You both got hit by a car and had amnesia. We didn't tell you about you two's relationship since we thought it was the best for you both. " I froze. We..what? "We didn't tell you both about your realtionship because we thought it was for the best but we were wrong. Jungkook's mom mentioned that Jungkook told her that he has suddenly be been having dreams about a girl. She didn't also like the fact that Jungkook became a playboy again. She called in Ji Yeon to break him once more. She somehow planned this? But we couldn't let you both be together again without knowing everything about yourselves. So here I am now. I hope you understand and I'll give you time to think about it."

Breaking The Playboy[Jungkook Fanfic]||#Jamlessawards2k18Where stories live. Discover now