Down to business

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Las Angeles 07:00 hours 21/03/2015

The day started like any other day for Chloe Decker as she got Trixie ready for school and headed to the station while Dan drove Trixie to school. What she didn't expect was Lucifer to be there before her and with a new case in his hands.

"It seems we have a new case detective and its quite concerning. What the hell is it with you humans and thinking sacrifices will please me." He say with scowl on his face as he handed her the file.

Chloe looked at the file and her face grew more and more horrified at what she read.

"This was the case detective Barrows was working on. Theres been some unexplained deaths over the past few months and no one can figure out who's doing it. Only thing we do know is that it has something to do with satanic rituals but we have no other leads."

"If thats so why were we put on it? Not that I'm complaining. I do wanna know who's going around and killing in my name." Lucifer asks.

"I think we were put on it because they think you can help since you believe your the devil and all. I think they're stupid for giving into your charade, however I wanna find who's doing this to these poor people and bring them to justice."

"Well detective where do we start."

"Theres been a recent murder so we will start there. Also we are being joined by two FBI agents who saw this case and wanna help out. Said their from the XFiles unit in DC whatever that means. We are meeting them there so be on your best behaviour, we don't wanna piss these agents off," say Chloe in a serious tone.

"Not to worry detective I will be nothing but a saint."

Lucifer beams with a childish grin while chile rolls her eyes. They leave to make their way to the crime scene and meet these mysterious agents.

XFiles Basement 15.00 hours 20/03/2015

"Scully I have a case for us I would like to check out. Theres been a series of unexplained murders in LA all revolving around satanic rituals. Detectives down their are having trouble pulling up any leads. I think it would be interesting to check out." Mulder says with such excitement while handing Scully the folder.

"Mulder have you even cleared this with Skinner first?" Scully says, slightly irritated that they may be heading on one of Mulder's wild goose chases again.

" Why yes I have Scully and he said if we can provide any support to the law enforcement down in LA then we are a green to go." Mulder replies.

"Fine Mulder when do we leave." Scully sighs.

" We leave tonight. I have arranged for us to meet the detectives down there at the latest murder scene where they can give us a debrief on the situation."

"Alright Mulder but don't you dare snore on the plane." Scully threatens him.

"I promise I wont, thanks for coming along Scully." Mulder says.

"Yeah well who would be there to make sure you don't get into trouble. Anyway I wanna help find who ever is doing this and stop them."

"Thats my girl Scully."

"Mulder shut up."

Down town LA 07:25 hours 21/03/2015

Chloe and Lucifer arrive at the crime sense and are met by a police officer who lets them in. They head to the living room where they find the body of a young girl. Other officials were milling about taking photos and samples, anything that could provide concrete leads. The girl lay in the middle of what looks to be a pentagram with black candles on each points of the star. The pentagram is drawn in blood and theres blood all over the body. Lacerations can be seen from where her clothes had been ripped. But the detail that stood out most to the detectives was the giant gaping hole in here chest where her heart should be. she was missing her heart and it was no where to me found.

"Bloody hell. What monstrosity has does this and has the audacity to claim its under my name." Lucifer says in an angry huff.

"Some sicko that needs to be put down."

"I couldn't have said it any better myself," Says a voice behind them.

Chloe and Lucifer whip around to find a male and female approaching."

"Oh you must be the FBI agents. Im Detective Chloe Decker and this is my consultant Lucifer Morningstar. Thanks for coming down and giving us a hand." Says Chloe shaking their hands.

"Glad we can help. I'm Agent Fox Mulder and this is my partner Agent Dana Scully but you can call us by our last names." Says Mulder.

Mulder looks at Lucifer with an odd look.

"Is your name really Lucifer Morningstar," Mulder asks intrigued. His gut feeling telling him theres for to this than meets the eye.

"Why yes it is and if you must know I'm the devil," Lucifer says.

"Don't listen to him, he's a bit delusional." Chloe chips in.

'You wound me Detective, but it is the truth. I told you i'd never lie to you and I'm not lying now." Lucifer confesses.

Mulder could tell from the look in Lucifers eyes that he was telling somewhat of a truth. He didn't know if it scared him or if he 100% believed. But there was something about the man that seemed different.

" Oh boy its like having another Mulder." Scully says under her breath.

"Anyway lets get this show on the road." Mulder says. "What do we know so far?"

"Well from what we know the person likes to kill their victims in their homes. They range between the ages of 18-30 and are both male or female. They commence a some what of a satanic ritual and the most disturbing part is they rip a hole the size of a fist in the victims chest and remove the heart. For what reason, it has yet to be determined. They did however find a trace of a substance they can't identify and its left the lab quite baffled. So far thats all we have. Lucifer and I only got this case this morning ourselves." Chloe explains debriefing the agents.

" Alright, I can go work up a profile on the person and try and see what the motives are here," Mulder says anxious to get started.

"May I join you. This was a satanic ritual and well I like to think my self very knowledgeable on the subject," Lucifer asks.

"Sure. Scully I guess you can team up with Detective Decker and maybe go check those lab results," Mulder suggests.

The girls look at each other and nod in agreement.

"We'll go talk to the neighbours first see if they saw anything and then take a trip to the lab," Chloe says addressing Scully.

"Sounds like a plan. I wanna see those results to make sure nothing was missed." Scully replies.

"Shall we meet at the precinct at say one o'clock," Lucifer says.

The rest of the group nods in agreement and they break off into their separate groups.

2 FBI AGENTS MEET THE DEVIL AND HIS COPWhere stories live. Discover now