Last Goodbyes

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LAPD HQ 09:00AM Two Days Later

"After weeks of investigations the LAPD concludes that the murderer has vanished into thin air. Chef Harrison had this to say".

"After weeks of investigating with the aid of the FBI, we find that the murderer and any trace of him has dissapared. It is as if he never existed. However silly as our ideas and beliefs may be, we cant erase the fact the people have died in horrendous ways. For now our leads have gone cold be we do endeavour to keep looking for the truth. This I can assure-

"Mulder turn it off. We don't need to hear it," Scully says.

Mulder grabs the remote and flicks the switch. The four participants of team 'Take down Vexol' stand around Chloe's desk as debriefs and goodbyes begin to take place.

"Its been one hell of a ride hasn't it Agents?" Lucifer says

"You can say that again. For a demon and the 'Oh might ruler of hell' you not such a bad guy". Mulder replies.

"Oh god don't remind me," both Chloe and Scully say at the same time.

"Im still absorbing the fact that I'm dating the devil".

"Oh so we're dating now detective. When did that happen?" Lucifer baits.

"Oh shut it, you know damn well when I became your girlfriend."

"Oh yes if recall, it was between the sound of "OH YES LUCIFER" and "FUCK ME HARDER LUCIFER". Lucifer mimics in a really bad Chloe accent.


"What about you Agents. I have a sneaky suspicion that there's more then friendship going on there," Lucifer baits.

Both Agents glance at each other then look away suddenly as their faces take on a crimson hue.

"Er we're working it out," say Mulder as he grabs Scully's hand.

"Then I wish you the best. Its been a pleasure. I hope our paths will cross again in the future. Mr Mulder if you are in any need of assistance please don't hesitate to give me a call. You have proven to be quite an interesting individual and the work you do is fascinating," Lucifer offers.

"Thank you very much Mr Morningstar. I never though I'd ever meet the devil or come to believe in him but it looks like I have to re-evaluate what I thought I knew."

Mulder and Lucifer shake hands as the female half of the teams say goodbye.

"Thank you for helping us with this case Dr Scully, we could not have do it without Mulder and your expertise," Chloe says.

"Likewise, we wouldn't have gotten close without Lucifer and your knowledge of the area and the case. At the end of the day we got the job done and we all come home safe".

"Yes, it would seem a miracle seeing as Lucifer almost got us killed".

"I BEG YOUR PARDON. IF I RECALL I SAVED THE DAY," Lucifer calls outraged.

"Whatever you say," Chloe says hugging Scully goodbye.

Both the agents pick up their things and head out of Chloes office throwing out last goodbyes.

"What an eventful case wouldn't you say detective?" Lucifer says.

"It was more then a little eventful".

"Alas we closed it just the same. Now lets go home and have dinner," Lucifer states.

"Since when am I having dinner at your places?" Chloe asks.

"Since you became my girlfriend."

"Is that so."

"Don't be a tease detective. After everything I did on the case..."

Chloe walks forward and grabs Lucifers face in there hands.

"Just shut up and kiss me," Chloe says.

Lucifer does just that and their faces meet in a soft but passionate kiss that last far longer than it should, considering the environment they are in. They break apart and walk hand and hand out the door ready to tackle taco Tuesday as a team.

This is the last chapter for this series. What a ride its been. As a first ever series I am quite happy and emotional on how its turned out. It started out as an idea in my head and I somehow winged it and got it out for you guys. Thank you to everyone who's loved and supported it, it was greatly appreciated. I know it wasn't the most perfect of writing but I'm slowly learning and hope I can do better if the future. But for now I say G'day and I'll see you soon in whatever I write next. XX

2 FBI AGENTS MEET THE DEVIL AND HIS COPWhere stories live. Discover now