No Man Is Left Behind

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Vexol's Backyard 13.35 Hours

Mulder clicks off his call from Scully.

"I can't just stay here and leave Chloe with that psycho. I gotta go back in and try to free her". Mulder thinks.

Mulder stands, his body half out of the bushes and begins to head to the house. He leaves the phone behind the shed, out of sight.

"Sorry Scully, but I can't risk having the phone go off while I'm inside."

Mulder makes his was across the backyard, a risky move as there is no cover between the shed and back veranda. Mulder enters back through the kitchen door and pauses to see if there is any noise. Satisfied that all is quiet, a little too quiet; Mulder makes his way into the house.

"I need a weapon other then a switch blade if I wanna get us out of here". Mulder thinks to himself.

He proceeds down the hall, just as creepy as it was before. It isn't till a cabinet to the left catchers Mulder's eye and he halts. In the cabinet is an antic baseball bat signed by a famous team.

"This will do me just fine".

Mulder reaches to open the cabinet door but finds it locked.

"Shit. Wait the switch blade". Mulder says looking at his hand.

He begins to use the blade to loosen the screws on the door. A soft squeaking from the screws leaving the sockets puts Mulder on edge. Its as if the very walls could hear every breath, every move he makes. The screws fall to the floor in a soft clang and Mulder is able to pry open the for enough to reach in and grab the bat.

"There I feel much safer". Mulder comments to the air.

"Not safe enough". Comes a demonic voice from behind.

Mulder whirls around just in time to see a fist fly at him. He manages to dodge it and gets a look at his assailant. What he see shocks him to his very core. A monster like nothing he's ever seen before in all his time in the X-Files standing before him. A black humanoid form with crow wings and skin that looks like melting tar. It's something out a persons worst nightmare come to life. Its mouth holds sharp, pointy teeth, which at this current time is held up in a sinister smile.

"What are you"? Mulder asks.

"I am a demon by the name of Vexol. I am every humans worst nightmare. You chose the wrong time to be a hero little human. You are no match for me. You became a dead man the moment you and your little friends decided to interfere with affairs far lager then you can comprehend".

"I think you shouldn't underestimate us or our capacity to comprehend. I have seen things, strange, horrible and even at times positive things. I have battled governments, evil men and have almost lost my partner many times. Do not claim to know us when you yourself cannot understand the concept of human life.

"Hmm a man of words. Lets see just see if actions can back those up".

Vexol launches at Mulder. Mulder has enough time to raises his bat to defend himself. Vexol's claw hand collides with the bat and snaps it in half. Out matched Mulder bolts up the stairs to the second floor with Voxel hot on his heels. Vexol being in demon form is a lot faster and is able to catch up to Mulder. Mulder gets Inside on of the vacant rooms and slams the door shut right before Vexol can enter. Mulder shoves a chair under the door to lock it. Banging comes from the other said and Mulder holds his breath. The banging subsides and all becomes quiet. Mulder lets his breath out and combs the room looking for anything to defend himself with. After a scan of the room coming back nothing besides a few run down chairs and broken floor boards; Mulder draws on his memory of the information he collected on the house.

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