Unexpected Revelations

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Lux Penthouse 12:45 Hours

"Mulder just texted, he said they found some strange information on the priest. They're sending through the files now". Scully says just having arrived to the club and entering the penthouse portion of the club.

"Alright take a seat, do you want a drink?" Lucifer offers, ever the gracious host.

"No we are working".

"You're just like the detective. You're no fun".

"We're working a case where a person can be killed any day now to full fill a sick ritual and all you can think about is having fun. I don't know how she puts up with you. She must be in love with you". Scully replies annoyed.

"You really think she loves me"? Lucifer asks serious.

"You haven't noticed?"

"Noticed what. Im the master of the fairer sex I doubt I would miss anything."

"You miss everything that counts. How you ever been in love Lucifer?". Scully asks already guessing the answer.

"Love is a mortal value that promotes weakness. So to your question, no".

"Yes love is weakness, but its also strength. Love can make you do stupid things, but it can also make you brave and fight for what you love and believe in. Fight for whats right. There is always going to be a downside to things, but thats life. Life is too short to be worried about getting hurt and feeling vulnerable. Lord knows how many times Mulder and I have almost died. Makes everything we have all the more important. Keep that in mind the next time you see the detective". Scully says ending her speech.

A moment later, Scully's phone buzzes with a call.

"Its Mulder". Scully says answering the phone. "You're on speaker phone Mulder whats up?"

"We've found something on the priest. We found his residential address and its in the vicinity of the murders and the church. We also found that his file only dates back eight months. Before that he's never existed on any data base. Just who is this guy? Just drops out of thin air and starts killing people and a priest of all people. Something fishy is going on".

" I agree Mulder somethings just doesn't add up. When you were going throughout the files, did you see if any of these types of killings we happening anywhere else?" Scully asks.

"Actually there was something. There was some unexplained deaths in Dallas. Two people were killed and had their eyes removed. Three people in New Mexico had their fingers removed. Four people In Arizona had their genitals removed and now here in La with the missing hearts". Its like he's collecting them".

"Mulder what if he's collating them for the ritual. Like the stuff you use to sacrifice to bring am evil spirit in".

"Did I just hear Dr Dana Scully suggest demons and ritual summoning on a case". Mulder says in a mocking voice.

"Don't start with me Mulder. Anyway do you think it's this is what we are dealing with". Scully asks.

"I highly think so but one thing I don't get is that sample you got from the crime scene. You know that substance you couldn't identify. I would sure as hell liked to know where it came from and for what reason."

"Same Mulder this just keeps getting weirder".

"Thats what I said".

"Any who go check the priest house and see if you can find anything". Scully suggest.

"Good Idea, we're on it. I'll give you a call if we find anything."

"Ok take care Mulder".

"You too Scully", with that the phone clicks off signalling the end.

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