Strange observations

498 18 1

LAPD Lab Department 07.40

Scully and Chloe arrive at the lab to go over the substance found at the crime scene. Scully also wanted to take a look at the autopsy results. They are required to suit up in which they enter the inner lab waring white lab coats. Scully felt at home and in her element while Chloe felt like a teenager back in her high school dissecting class and turned her nose up at the funny smells.

They started with the body first. Scully noted that the body had been ripped apart as if a savage animal had attacked it and lacerations were all over the body. The neck had been broken in several sections.

"Did all the victims die this way," Scully asks.

"Yes, same way every time," Chloe replies.

"I don't see anything else we can make of this, lets check out that substance they found".

"Wait a sec", Chloe calls as she digs her gloved hands into the victims neck. "I saw something".

Chloe lifts her hands out and reveals a fragment of a black claw.

"Where the hell did that come from"? Scully asks.

"I don't know. The only think I can think of is what the witness said. She said she saw a crow leaving the house", Says Chloe.

"You don't really believe that do you"? Scully exclaims.

"No but it's hell of a coincidence and it would be stupid of use to ignore. We'll bag it as evidence and check it later". Chloe ins tuts as the claw fragment is sealed in a bad and sent to evidence.

They then head over to the biology part of the lab and Scully sits down in front of a microscope and begins looking at the slides.

"So is your partners name really Lucifer"? Scully asks making casual conversation.

"Im afraid so. However his records only go far back as five years so who really know. All I know is he's bit of a loony but he's saved my like many times and never lies to me. What about your partner?" Chloe asks.

"I've known him for quite some years now. He's the best partner i've ever had and my best friend. We've been through so much together and he has scarified so much for me. He's incredibly smart and kind and so very brave. When he puts his mind to something he never stops. He lost his sister when he was a boy. She was abducted and he has spent has entire life searching for her and the truth. It's why I believe in him and our work. The strength of his beliefs have taught me things about myself I never would have found." Scully says reflecting on the man that entered her life so many years ago.

Chloe just looks at Scully with a silly grin on her face.

"What's that look for?" Scully asks seeing Chloe's expression.

"Nothing just that you're very lucky".

This was half a lie and a truth. The grin Chloe showed was realisation that this Agent was deeply in love with her partner but she wasn't about to admit it to the Agent. This was something she needed to rely's on her own.

They spent the next five minutes progressing through the slides. Scully had a frown on her face that grew with every new slide she viewed.

"This is impossible," Scully announces.

"What is it"? Chloe says concerned

"I've never seen anything like this. Its not a known element on earth".

"What do you mean on earth".

"I mean that it just doesn't exist on this planet or on any periodic table. It's as if this element appeared out of no where and just happened to turn up at various crimes scenes of all places", Scully explains.

'This doesn't make any sense". We need to find the guys and update them on this. I'll call them. They should be in the building. Let's head up there now." Says Chloe.

"Agreed, let's go".

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