Trip To The Church

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LA Precinct 08:00 Hours

"Mulder the girls are heading up earlier than we thought. They have something we need to see".

"Ok lets go find a free interview room".

The boys head into the main area of the precinct and find an empty interview room. Lucifer texts Chloe their location and wait for them to arrive.

Five minutes later they arrive and sit down across from the boys.

"We spoke to the witness. Lets just say, what she had to say was bat crap crazy".

"You can say that", Chloe replies with a smirk. "She said she saw a demon that turned into a crow and flew away around the time the victim was murdered".

"Thats not even the strangest thing. We had a look at the body down in the lab and we found a fragment of what appears to be a black crow claw embedded in the victims neck. I then looked at the substance that was found at the scene. It's not a known element found on earth. It doesn't exist on any periodic table. Its a new element. I noticed something as well, I forgot to tell you about chloe. The substance was alive. It was sort of acting the way blood does and it's black. I don't know where this substance came from but we need to find out". Scully explains.

Lucifer's face paled and continued to paled as Scully presented her findings. Chloe notices the worried expression and asks whats wrong.

"Lucifer what's wrong you've gone pale?" Chloe asks.

"Nothing...I have to go and speak with my brother. I'll meet up with you later". Lucifer replies dashing out of the room as fast as he could.

"Lucifer wait. Chloe calls behind him. "Why does he always have to ditch me". Chloe complains.

"I know how that feels". Scully remarks.

"Hey". Mulder says offended. " Anyway I did the profile on the suspect and they seem to have a strong connection to the church. Lucifer also found out that the murders have been committed in a pentagram symbol within the city," Mulder grabs out the map he brought and shows the girls. "Theres been four deaths. Each death residing on one point of the star which means theres only one death left. For what exactly, I don't know. Lucifer seemed to thing all hell would break lose if the last death comes to pass. I think we should take a visit to the churches and cult activity within the radius of the murders and see if they saw anyone acting suspicious or having a certain interest in pentagrams and the cult".

"This case just keeps getting weirder. Is this what you guys do in that X-File devision of yours". Chloe asks.

"Oh you have know Idea". Scully replies.

St Mary's Church 09:00 hours

The group had visited two churches on their way to St Mary's Church. Both came up with very little clues as to where the killer may be operating from. They enter the church which has high glass windows and an old musty smell Scully and Mulder are used to as their own basement in the bureau smells like an old town house. They walk up towards the pastor with black hair, a pale complexion and glasses that looked like they came from the 80's on the end of his nose. Chloe made a joke to herself about the 80's wanting their glasses back. The pastor is at the podium packing up the remaining equipment from the last service.

"Hello the service has just finished. Is there something I can help you with?" The pastor addresses the approaching group.

"Yes. We are looking for information on the recent murders happening around the area. We have reason to believe they are linked to the cult as we found satanic like symbols. I'm Detective Decker and this is Agent Mulder and Scully of the FBI. Any information you have would be a big help". Says Chloe.

"Of course, I'm Father Joseph. What Information are you looking for?"

"We want to know if have seen anyone acting suspicious. Anyone showing any interest in the cult or satanic drawings. Anyone who could be a suspect". Scully replies.

"Well I have heard of a few of the boys in here talking about some game, a game the parents are unhappy with might I add. Apparently is a game about satan's son and how he brings death to people. I also over heard that they were getting together in the coming days to play the game. I noticed one particular boy express quite an obsession for the game. He's been drawing in all the services so far. What he's drawing, I don't know but if you are looking for answers thats where I would go". Father Joseph explains.

"Do you know what the name of the game is?" Mulder asks.

"Its called Lucius".

"Do you know where they are getting together and do you have the name of the boy"? Chloe says.

"All I know is that they are always going to the dinner on 34th street. Most likely to play games as theres free wifi in there. The boys name is Jeremey Singe, the family comes every second day to church". Father Joseph says.

"Thank you Father Joseph. If you think of anything else just call me on this number". chloe says handing her business card over.

"I will you take care".

The group leaves the Church and get into Chloe's car.

"Where to know"? asks Scully who's sitting Shotgun while Chloe is driving and Mulder is in the back.

"I says we go find that dinner and see if we can find those kids. If what the Pastor said about the Singe's is true, they should be headed for a service tonight. We can asks to speak to their son and see what he has to say. Also I want to find out more about this game". Mulder Suggests.

"My, my, Mulder this is the best play you've had to date". Scully teases.

"Whatever Scully, no one asked you".

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