Games Of The Devil

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Cards For Kids Game shop 46th Avenue 10:15 hours

Mulder arrives at the game shop, hoping to find this game or just someone who could tell him about it. The game shop was big with several rooms extending from the main room and entrance. At the front of the store a Yugioh card board cut out donned the left window while a Pokemon cut out donned the right. Mulder entered and spied rows upon rows of games ranging from chess boards, to kid games, to electronics. He walked up to the front counter to ask for assistance.

"Hello there how may I help you?" the man at the register with green eyes and black hair says.

"My name is special agent Fox Mulder I'm with the FBI. Im here to ask about a game that has some ties in the case on working on. I believe it goes by the name of Lucius." Mulder inquires after showing the worker his badge.

"Ah yes, Lucius is a game thats played on PC. It follows a boy, chosen to be the devils son. The son goes around killing people and wrecking havoc as he gains new powers. Its very popular with kids lately with it only hitting the markets about 2 weeks ago". The merchant says.

"Have you by chance seen these kids come in here and buy the game". Mulder inquires showing the merchant photos of the suspects.

"Yes I do remember, the blonde boy, and a red head boy came in and bought it. They seemed like nice enough kids though".

"Hmm and do you believe the game could drive people to murder and ritual killings". Mulder asks.

"I guess, if people took it too seriously and there was something not quite right with them in the head". The merchant replies.

"I would like to buy the game, could you direct me to it". Mulder asks.

"Of course. How about you stay here and ill go get it for you. It would be much easier that way". With that the merchant wanders off into the shop and reemerges a minute later with the game in hand.

"He take it for free, if it helps catch who ever is doing this then I can let $25 slide". The Merchant says.

"Thank you ver much. If you can think of anything just give me a call". Mulder replies handing him his business card.

"Will do."

Mulder leaves the store with game in hand and returns to the car.

He decides to head to the hotel Scully and he are staying at the pick up his laptop then head back to the diner to intercept the kids and hopefully get a look at the game.

Betty Burgers Dinner 34th Street 11:00 Hours

Mulder arrives to the diner half an hour after the kids arrived. He finds Scully, Detective Decker and Lucifer at the table he last left them and dropped down into the vacant seat.

"So how long have they been here?" Mulder asks nodding his head in the kids direction.

"About half an hour, not much has happened. They've just been sitting there drinking milk shakes, laughing and playing on the laptop which I'm assuming is said game you went to investigate." Scully replies.

"Speaking of which, what did you find out about the game?" Chloe asks.

"Well apparently the game is about the son of Satan who goes around killing people to level up his powers. The merchant was kind enough to give me a copy so we could play it for ourselves". Mulder explains.

"Interesting. You humans just love to spin my life into some twisted game for your pleasure. I hope this game is at least worthy of my attention". Lucifer complains in an offended tone.

"Let play the game after we finish up with these boys". Scully suggests.

"Good Idea, I think its time we introduced ourselves". Chloe says.

"With pleasure." Lucifer jeers as he makes his way over to the group of boys.

"Here was go again". Chloe mumbles under her breath.

The boys sat in the corner both all crowed around a computer with their drinks either drunk or forgotten. A basket of fries lay empty at the end of the table.

"Well hello boys, Im Lucifer Morningstar and Im here with the police. Now which one of you sad individuals would be Jeremy". Lucifer says with his charming voice.

The blonde haired boy's head shot up with a look of fear in his eyes that lucifer noticed immediately and secretly relished. The boy sat frozen in place. The others had reached the table by then and were each in turn flashing their badges. Before they could get a word in Lucifer began his questioning.

"So Jeremy my boy, what do you desire most on this earth?" Lucifer asked his voice dripping in that tone that Chloe could only describe as cotton candy. Mulder on the other hand stood fascinated by the way this kid started spilling his guts out with secrets at a mere command by Lucifer.

"I wish to be free from the church. I do not believe in it as I once did. I wish to decided for myself what to believe in. I wish to travel to all corners of the earth and find the truths to the questions myself". Jeremy says with a look of sadness and lining in his eyes.

Mulder felt a slight connection to this boy. Like himself he wanted the truth where people were only willing to give lies and half truths as a means of control. But like himself Mulder had hope that this boy would find his way and its in that hope that Mulder was a hundred percent sure this kid was not the killer.

"Hey can I talk to you all for a minute?" Mulder asks walking back to the table they had vacated.

"We won't be a moment Jeremy, I'm Agent Scully by the way". Scully says as they all follow Mulder back to the table.

"Whats up Mulder?: Scully asks.

"That boy is no killer."

"I would have to agree with Agent Mulder here, that boy was too scared we would out him to the church let alone kill anyone". Lucifer agrees.

"If he didn't do it then who do you supposed is going around sacrificing people". Chloe's ask slightly annoyed that they were back to square one.

"Have any of you noticed that the reason we even followed up on these boys was because the Priest pointed us in this direction". Mulder says beginning to see a bigger picture unfolding.

"So you're saying the priest has led us on a wild goose chance and he's the one we should be actually talking to?" Scully interjects.

"Pricelessly," Mulder answers.

"Well, well, well it would seem fathers beloved followers aren't so holy as they lead everyone to believe". Lucifer laughs.

"Well at any rate, i't does seem a little fishy he just happened to know the boys would be here today and that they were playing a game that coincidentally ties in with the theme of these murders. I say we go back and have a little chat with our priest." Chloe says.

"Good Idea detective, I'm quite curious myself to see what dirty little secrets the priest has hiding. Lucifer says very sportive of the idea.

Little did everyone know that Lucifer knew that if this priest was in deed Vexol the demon going around killing people, he could be leading his new work colleagues and partner into a deadly trap. 

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