Demons of the Mind

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Downtown LA 07:20 hours 21/3/2015

Scully and Chloe headed outside of the house towards the police officer who was interviewing a witness who had been the neighbour of the victim. The witness was a female, about the age of 56 with brown curly hair and glasses at the end of her nose. She was holding her little dog in her hands with tear streaks on her face.

"Hi Mrs..."

"Grancher". The lady said.

"Mrs Grancher, I'm Detective Decker and the is Agent Scully from the FBI. We understand that you have information about the murder and the victim". Chloe says.

"Yes it was nine o'clock last when I was watching TV. I had gone to the kitchen to make a tea when I heard God awful screaming. I thought it was coming from the tv till I heard a loud crash next door. I went to look out my window and I saw...".

Mrs Grancher began to shake and her eyes went wide is if reliving the horror she had seen.

"What did you see?". Scully asks in her most soothing voice.

"I saw a monster. Its face looked...looked like a demon. I managed to hide behind the curtain before it saw me. It then transformed into a crow and flew off. I called the police immediately after". Mrs Grancher finished.

Chloe and Scully looked at each other. They both resisted the urge to roll their eyes, Chloe more than Scully. Chloe couldn't believe the freak show her life was turning into. Little did she know Sculls life was an actual freak show and seemed less surprised at the answer the lady gave. This was an everyday occurrence for Scully. At any rate they didn't believe in what this lady was saying.

"Are you sure that is what you saw and you haven't miss interpreted anything?" Chloe asks.

"I am not crazy. I know what you're thinking and I am telling you the truth. I know what I saw!" Mrs Grancher said becoming hysterical.

Scully and Chloe decided it was time to leave, they thanked the lady and headed to the car to take a visit to the lab.

LAPD Precinct 07:35

Lucifer and Mulder arrive at the precinct. The plan decided upon in the car was to view all previous notes collected over the course of the murders and come up with a profile of the potential criminal.

"So Lucifer I recall Detective Decker say you're a consultant for the police department. What do you do while you don't consult"? Mulder asks trying to figure out if this guy is as who he claims.

"I run a night club called Lux and I also make deals". Lucifer replies.

"How original. Lucifers favourite game, I think this has made be believe you even less". Mulder says with a disbelieving look on his face.

"Why don't you believe me?" Lucifer asks.

"Because I don't believe in God and Satan and all that non sense. If you're looking for that ask Scully she's the religious one even if she is a skeptic". Mulder replies.

"What has led you to that disbelief"? Lucifer asks becoming quite curious.

"Because if God was real he would have brought me sister back to me. He would never have let her be taken. I asked for only one thing in my life and it was to have her back and no one listened. Not god or my parents. So I've work my ass off to try and find her because I am the only one who can find her and I won't stop till I do. Now can we drop it and get to the real reason why we are here"! Mulder says frustrated and annoyed and his own personal demons.

Lucifer remained silent and nodded his head. He fell into deep thought about this agent who appeared to have so much in common with him within the few hours of meeting him. Lucifer understood when it felt like to be abandoned and let down by his father so he decided that he would do everything in his power to help find Mulder's sister. He wanted to be the one to stick it to his father when he found her, but also to bring piece to this agent who clearly spent all his waking hours searching for family.

It saddened Lucifer that he did not have someone to come searching for him or even wanted him. He envied Mulder's sister whoever she was. Brushing off these unhelpful thoughts he fell in behind Mulder as they walked down to evidence and the file room to grab what they needed for profiling.

They spent the next hour and a half going through the previous notes and evidence and wrote down the most important aspects.

They soon surfaced to give their theories.

"So what I gather from recent events our suspect likes to kill their victims in their homes. This suggests to me that the persons like to make their victims feel scared in their own home. They like to take that safety away and make their victims feel open, vulnerable. They are also religious and believe in ritualistic killing to appease a high being which in turn feeds their desire for accomplishment and worthiness. We are looking for someone who most likely has a connection to the church and religious community. The killings appear to be random and without patten". Mulder suggests.

"If I may correct you there", Lucifer says opening up a map. "I noticed something while I was looking at a map. I marked down all the sites of the murder scenes and I found a patten. Each killing appears to be in the same symbol as the pentagram found at each crime scenes. See four people have been killed already making that four points of the star." Lucifer says.

"That means one left until what"? Mulder asks not liking where this was heading.

"Until all hell breaks lose". Lucifer quotes.

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