The Trap

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Chloe's Car 1300 Hours

Chloe and Mulder are in the car on the way to Father Joseph's house; who lives about ten minuets from the church. Chloe is driving as Mulder sits in the passenger seat, reading some files on the church. It had gotten cold all of a sudden so Chloe proceeds to turn on the heater.

"This is weird. It say the previous Priest died of unexplained causes about two weeks before Father Joseph arrived. I have a feeling this wasn't a coincidence". Mulder explains.

"I think the same". Chloe agrees.

"So Lucifer...You really believe all that stuff he says about the devil?" Mulder questions.

"Nope, I think its his way to deal with his family baggage. Im atheist so." Chloe answers shrugging her shoulders.

"Well he does do that weird hypnosis thing that I can't explain. I don't know what to believe about this. I never really believed in this stuff anyway; not since my sister went missing. But I got to admit something doesn't feel right".

"I think your exaggerating. Lucifer is the most harmless man I know. He's a good person with a good heart. He just acts like a twelve year old. Not much of a devil if you ask me". Chloe explains.

"You sound found of him".

"He's my best friend and he's always there for my daughter and I. He's always got my back on cases and has saved my life more times then I can count". Chloe says.

"He's just like Scully; always saving my life and having my back". Mulder replies.

"Looks like we've got good partners huh?"

"Yeah we do".

They arrive at 7 Patchworth Lane and park on the drive way. The house is a double story house, with a lovely garden lining the stair case on either side. Stairs lead up to the veranda where a couch swing and a small coffee table reside left of the door. Mulder knocks on the door to which there is no answer. Chloe grabs the door handle, turns it and the door swings open. They give each other a look and grab their guns out. Mulder leads the way with a torch and his gun raised. Chloe follows behind.

The house is dark which would suggest the curtains are drawn as its sunny outside. They switch on the light and the is bathed in brightness. They progress down the main hall which is bare of any photos or personal decorations. They make their way into the kitchen and find it clean of any dishes or mess. The pantry is empty as if it hadn't been stocked in a long time. The fridge on the other hand contained mouldy old food way past its due date. The only thing that look remotely edible were the tea, coffee and sugar in the clear containers near the stove.

"Does he even still live here?" Mulder asks covering his nose.

"I don't know but be on you toes, who knows what the hell is in this house".

They decide to spilt up to cover more ground. Chloe makes her way up to the second floor while Mulder makes his way through the bottom floor. Mulder enters the dinning room which has an antique table and chairs with a chandelier hanging from the roof. The walls are painted dark forrest green to match the decor. Chloe enters one of the upstair rooms which is bare of any furniture besides a single bed smack dab in the middle of the room. The walls have been painted a nice baby blue.

"This house gets more deserted by the minute. I gotta admit though, this guy has a good sense of design". Chloe thinks to herself.

Chloe continues on into the next bedroom down the hall; On the way looking into each room as she goes. One room has a study with books lining an enormous shelf and mahogany furniture around the room. This room is painted a sophisticated red to give the room an air of intelligence. The next is a theatre room with bean bags and a big projector screen. These walls are painted a dark purple. She enters the next bedroom and finds it occupied with a king sized be and a few clothes scattered around. The walls are painted black with makes the room feel cold and lifeless.

"Well this must be his room". Chloe thinks.

She decides to snoop around the room and find any clues that could point them in the right direction. All she finds is bag by the foot of the bad that contains a passport, a map and a few other things. Chloe bags them and puts just outside the door. She continues into the bathroom and finds it also empty besides the toilet bag perched on the sink bench. She goes to take a look to see if anything is in the cabinet behind the mirror and finds nothing as well.

"There's gotta be something here we can go on". Chloe sighs.

She closes the cabinet door and jumps when a face appears in the mirror behind her. She tries to call for Mulder but it is took late; Father Joseph gives her a big knock to the ground. She tries to get up however Father Joseph is already there holding a rag to her mouth and nose before she can do anything of value. Chloe's vision begins to blacken as she breaths in the sickly scent and before she knows it she's unconscious swimming in a black pool of nothing.

"Sorry darling but you're the last piece I need". Father Joseph says without any real sympathy.

He picks her up and drops her on the bed going off in search of the other pest in his house.

Meanwhile Mulder enters the living room which has a love seat and a lone chair off to the side while a tv is in the middle. This room is painted a dark maroon colour. He makes his way in front of the tv and turns around getting a three sixty view of the room.

The room has a little bookshelf off to the side against the wall. There a little lamp on one of the coffee tables next to the couch. On the other coffee table next to the lone chair, Mulder notices a coffee mug sitting on it. He goes to investigate and finds that its still fresh and steaming.

The lightbulb turns on in Mulder's head and he realises that they've been trapped. He hears a bang come from upstairs and he knows Chloe is in trouble. Mulder races up the stairs and comes onto the second floor landing.

"CHLOE WHERE ARE YOU?" Mulder yells checking all the rooms on this floor.

He comes to the last room and see Chloe lying on the bed. He goes to walk to her, when someone jumps from the left and whack him in the head with a baseball bat. Mulder instantly goes down entering his own black pool of nothing.

"Two down, one and a half to go. Lucifer and that other pesky agent won't know what hit them. I will have my revenge. Vexol grabs both Mulder and Chloe and throws them over each shoulder with his supernatural strength and takes them down to the basement. He puts Mulder on the ground and ties him to a wooden post with some rope. Chloe is then placed on a ritual table; Vexol removes her shirt so she is left in a flimsy singlet. He then ties her down with chains attached to both arms and legs. He lights some candle around the room and so begins the preparations.   

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