The Demon You Know

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Lux Penthouse 9:00 Hours

"What is it this time brother. Im not some minion you can call whenever you want". Amenadiel says annoyed.

"We have a problem. Do you remember a Demon called Vexol?" Lucifer says with concern in his face.

"Yes he's that freak that liked to rip out hearts. Why do you ask? Last time I recalled he was deep within hell".

"We'll I believe he's escaped".

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S ESCAPED". Amenadiel yells.

"Chloe and I got given a case this morning with the help of two FBI agents. The victims hearts had been ripped out and lacerations covered their bodies. Witnesses at each crime scene say they saw a black crow leaving each crime scene. They also found a substance they couldn't identify and doesn't exist on earth. The deaths have also happened as demonic sacrifices". Lucifer informs

"Dear Lord, don't tell me he's doing what I think he's doing? Amenadiel says a worried look on his face.

"I'm afraid so and if we don't stop him every single soul from hell will be able to to pass through that gate and enter earth".

"What do we do now? I assume you have a plan"? Amenadiel asks.

"Yes. I've asked Maze to start searching for Vexol and find anything she can so we can take him down. I on the other hand will help the detective continue with the investigation. I have no doubt it will lead us to him. You brother can help Maze if you like are or are welcome to work alone and do whatever it is you do best. I must go now and head back to the detective. I have no doubt she'll have questions about my sudden disappearance". Lucifer explains.

"Alright then bother i'll check in with you if I find anything".

With that Amenadiel flies off out the window to begin his own investigation.

"Well that couldn't have gone better. Now time to get back to my feisty partner". Lucifer thinks.

Betty Burgers Dinner 34th Street 10:00 hours

Mulder, Scully and Chloe enter the dinner Father Joseph had disclosed to them and began their search for the boy named Jeremy. The father had given them a picture of the boy just before they left the church. Mulder thought it was a bit weird that the father so suddenly had a photo ready for them. Almost like he knew they would come to him and ask him questions.
The Dinner had an old 80's milkshake vibe to it with those spiral cotton candy coloured decorations and black and white checkered floors. Booths with red shinny seats and marble table lined the walls while tables and chairs occupied the rest of the floor with the counter and food displays to the left. Waitres's zoomed around on roller skates as they took orders and delivered food. Mulder, the secret perve he was, quite enjoyed the show.
The group make their way towards the counter and show the ladies there if they had seen the boy and when he was most likely come in.

"The boy and his friends usually come in around lunch time for fries and milkshakes. They sit in the corner both over there". The waitress says pointing to the back corner on the room.

"Do they act suspicious at all. Have they been doing anything differently these past few months?" Chloe asks.

"Well they have been playing this game. One of the boys brought it in one day and that was it. The rest of the boys got into it and they've been playing it ever since".

"Does this game happen to be called Lucius?" Mulder asks.

"Yeah something like that".

"Ok thanks. If you can think of anything else just give us a call". Mulder hands over their business card to the waitress then turns to face the girls. "Im going to go see what all the rage is about this game. Why don't you both sit down and take a break, have some morning tea and ill meet back here at 11:45 so we can intercept the boys". Mulder says.

"Sounds like a plan, We'll see you later then", Scully replies.

Mulder leaves the dinner while chloe and Scully take a table not to close to the corner booth but close enough to get a good view incase the boys came early.

"Where did you partner go, Lucifer wasn't it?" Scully asks.

"I have know idea, he does this sometimes. He runs off lord knows where and ends up coming back with a solid lead in the case. I don't know how he does it but all I know is that he gets the job done". Chloe explains just as Lucifer walks through the door.

"Speak of the devil," Chloe says.

Lucifer sits done at the table and smiles brightly at both of the girls.

"Where the hell have you been?" Chloe asks not as aggressively as she thought.

"Investigating my own leads. I doubt you will believe anything I have to say though so lets move on shall we. What have you managed to find out and why are we in this awful establishment?" Lucifer complains in discuss.

"We spoke to the father at the St Mary's church and he said some of the kids that come to his service's have been dabbling in some game that may be linked to cult activity. Mulder just left to go check out the game. We are here to intercept the the kids and see what they know". Scully informs.

"Well then lets say we get some lunch. Its on me". Lucifer offers.

"You know what I have". Chloe says.


"Low fat cream cheese bagel if they have any". Scully says.

"Ill see what I can do".

Lucifer gets up to leave while the girls continue to observe the dinner for their suspects. Sure enough they come strolling on in.

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