Searches and Desires

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St Mary's Church 12:00 HOURS

After having lunch at the dinner; the Deceptive, Agents and Lucifer track back to the church to confront the priest on the almost too easy information that they were given. They once again enter the church however they find it empty. Void of all humans and lit candles alike. It was like a ghost town. It gave Scully and Chloe the creeps.

"Where are all the people?" Mulder asks about as confused as the rest of the group.

"I don't know but its creeping me out". Scully replies.

"This is way to fishy to be a coincidence," Chloe says. "Im gonna call it in. We need to find this Priest."

"Good, while you do that I need to go see my brother. He's good with all this Priest stuff" Lucifer says trying to bolt before Chloe yells at him.

"Oh no you don't mister. No more ditching. At least take one of us with you". Chloe says annoyed.

"I'll go," Scully volunteers. "I know how much Mulder dislikes all the church stuff."

"She knows me so well." Mulder says in a world of his own. 

Scully just glares at him.

"Fine if you must but be prepared for the things you will hear". Lucifer warns.

"I think i'll be fine, i've fought men worst then a dodgy little priest". Scully informs.

"Feisty little one isn't she. I can't interest you in a devilish three some?" Lucifer admires.

Mulder glares at Lucifer while Scully relies

"Not in a million years so don't push your luck."

"Bummer, well if you change your mind you know where to find me".

"Lets just go," Scully says rolling her eye.

She begins to leave the church and Lucifer bows and follows her out.

"Well it looks like its just you and me Agent Mulder. Lets get back to the precinct and get all the information we can get on this Father Joseph." Chloe suggests heading for the exit.

"Agreed," Mulder replies as he followers her.

LAPD Precinct 1230 HOURS

Mulder and Chloe arrive back at the precinct and head to the detectives office so begin the cyber dig on one Father Joseph. Chloe types while Mulder sits next to her and observes. They pull up Father Joseph's file and find something peculiar.

"Wait scroll back up". Mulder says noticing something.

"Why what is it?" Chloe replies doing what Mulder asks.

"Here look at the residential address. Mulder says pointing at the screen. " If I'm correct its also within the vicinity of the murders, same as the church.

"I noticed something as well". Chloe says. "His file only goes back eight months. Before that its like he's never existed."

"The more we find out about this guy, the more strange things become. We really need to find him and bring him in." Mulder says.

"Agreed but until the APB can locate him, it looks like we're in for bit of a wait. In the meantime we need to tell the others what we have found." Chloe suggests.

"Yes. Ill text Scully that we have an update and we can go from there".


Lucifers car 1230 HOURS

Lucifer and Scully are sitting in an awkward silence that to Scully's ears feels deafening. She finds her self asking why she agreed to be the one to chaperon Lucifer to his club...alone. Not that she couldn't take him of course but he gave off a vibe that screamed evil.

"I won't bite agent Scully". Lucifer says breaking the silence.

"I have nothing to say". Scully says indifferent, continuing to stare out the window.

"Agent look at me". Lucifer asks in the nicest voice he can muster.

Scully sighs and does what he says. As soon as she does Lucifer smiles a devilish grin.

"Agent what do you desire". Lucifer asks the million dollar question. Scully's eyes begin to cloud over as Lucifer's will takes over.

" I desire a loving husband that understands me like know one else. We will get married and have kids with beautiful house". Scully replies in a monotone voice.

"Hmm maybe I should be asking who it is you desire but think I already know the answer. Agent who is it you desire? Lucifer asks.

"Mulder, I desire Mulder. He understands me like know one else has. He respects me and treats me like an equal. He doesn't underestimate me because of my size and gender. But the thing I love most about him is that he is gentle and kind. He's spent his whole life looking for his sister and has looked for me too. He's never given up and his determination to find the truth is astounding. You should see him with the children we sometimes work with when we get called into violent crimes. He's so caring and the kids warm right up to him. He would make a great father". Scully says pouring her heart out without realising it.

"So you love him?"

"Yes, with all my heart".

With that Lucifer ends his power and Scully comes back to herself.

"Omg what have I done? Why did I say all those things? What did you do to me?" Scully says in an accusing manner.

"I only showed you what, or should I say whom you desire. I did tell you I was the devil remember. Why none of you believe me is beyond me". Lucifer says shaking his head.

"I still don't buy this devil crap. Did you drug me?"

"No I did not. You can even take a blood test if you want". Lucifer says getting irritated.

"Just keep your eyes on the road and don't talk to me. Don't forget I also carry a gun".

"Whatever you say agent".

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