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Sorry for the wait! I don't know when the next part will be out cause I have finals this week *cries*.

Hours after the incident

Jimin's eye slowly opened as he heard whispering between two people. He groaned as his head felt funny when he sat up in a foreign room. "Where am I and who are you?" Jimin asked as his anxiety rose from remembering being grabbed by a bunch of men. The two men stopped talking and to the now conscious boy. One of them left and the other one approached him making Jimin's anxiety rise even more.

"Don't worry. I am Taehyung and I'm the doctor for the Jeon Mafia," the man with a cute box smile explained easing Jimin a little. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, "wait where am I though and why does my head feel so weird?" he looked at the room he was in. The room was actually a bedroom, he laid in a kind sized bed with charcoal gray silk sheets and the room was the size of a master bedroom. There were black night stands on bother sides of the bed with blacks lamps. The walls were just a little darker than navy blue and the floor was extremely dark wood and a small black rug. There was barely any furniture, just two dressers. No pictures, no paintings, nothing covered the wall but a big window with black curtains covering the sun not allowing any sunlight in.

Taehyung smiled brightly, "You're at the Jeon mansion because you were drugged and Yoongi hyung wanted me to make sure you were okay since you are a friend of Kookie ah." Jimin's eyebrows rose, Kookie ah's friend? Is he talking about Jungkook and are we even friends? Jimin noticed a man walking in and seeing that Jimin looked alright. "Where is Jungkook? And why was I drugged?" Jimin questioned as his head slowly stopped feeling weird.

The two looked at each before looking to Jimin. "Jungkook ah is still asleep trying to recover from a bad stab wound he got saving you," the man that walked in explained. Jimin's face lost color, "what happened? Will he be okay?," tears started to form in his eyes as he felt terrible at the idea Jungkook could die because of him, even though he just meet the kid yesterday because he decided to destroy his camera.

Taehyung rushed over to Jimin to hug him as he glared at the man, "Yoongi hyung you could have been nicer about it!" The man named Yoongi scoffed but he's eyes showed guilt as he saw Jimin sobbing. "Wh-why wer-e tho-se men try-ing to ta-ke me," Jimin hiccuped as tears continued to stream down his face. He needed to know exactly why Jungkook could die because of him, he believed no one should ever die for someone like him.

Yoongi stood in front of Jimin before sitting next to him, "Jungkook said before he passed out that they were from a rival mafia and he believed that they thought you were apart of the Jeon Mafia." Jimin's eyebrows furrowed, "Bu-t ev-en if I wa-s why wou-ld they ta-ke me?" he asked as he's crying slowly started to die down. "They probably hoped to get information from you and possibly get money off you with bribery," Yoongi explained as he placed a hand on Jimin's back to consult him.

Jimin eventually stopped crying but was sniffling and leaning against Taehyung. Silence filled the room until a cell phone rang loudly. Taehyung moved away from the two and answered the phone. "Hello? Yes. Okay. Yes. I'm on my way," Taehyung answered in a professional tone before hanging up and facing the two. "Jungkook is awake so I'm gonna go check up on him," he began to leave the room when Jimin spoke.

"Can I please come?" Taehyung looked at him and simply nodded and waited for Jimin to slowly walk towards him with the help of Yoongi. They leave the room and Jimin is in awe of the beauty of the hallway but stopped admiring when the began to walk towards a room not too far from where he was.

They reached to a door and Taehyung opened it allowing Jimin and Yoongi to walk in first. Once everyone was inside Taehyung walked over to Jungkook, "Hey Kookie ah how are you feeling?" Taehyung asked as he picked up a stethoscope to check he's heart rate. Jungkook looked at him then looked at Yoongi and Jimin, "I'm fine like always," he bluntly said and doesn't acknowledge Jimin or Yoongi.

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he poked at one of the bruises that developed on Jungkook. "Ow hyung why the fuck did you do that?!" Jungkook slapped Taehyung's hand away from the bruise. Yoongi and Jimin snickered as Taehyung scolded him about how he was not okay. Jungkook scoffed and looked over to the chuckling duo, "why are you here?"

Jimin stopped chuckling and walked up to Jungkook, "um I just um wanted to thank you for saving me," Jimin said just barely above a whisper but Jungkook was able hear it. "Are you okay to leave?" Jungkook asked not looking at him. Jimin was sadden by this for some reason, "yeah I'm okay." Jungkook still refusing to look at him, "okay then you should go home and don't forget to lose my number."

Jimin nodded as he headed towards the door with Yoongi just behind him and sending a disappointed look to Jungkook. "You know, he started crying badly when he heard what happened to you," Taehyung explained as he checked the wounds. Jungkook remained silent.

"You need to move on Jungkook, not every person you meet will betray and cheat you," Taehyung claimed seriously as he finished his check up. "Leave alone hyung, please?" Jungkook asked as he laid with his eye closed. Taehyung sighed as he turned the lights off and left the room.

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