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The boys made it to the apartment complex and Jungkook began to help by trying to carry Jimin. "No Jungkook you'll pull your stitches a part. Just get the key from Hoseok hyung and open the door for us," Taehyung said as he climbed out of the van with Hoseok and Yoongi before trying to carry Jimin. Hoseok quickly gave the key to Jungkook before helping Yoongi and Taehyung.

Jungkook left the four and went to Jimin's apartment and unlocked the door. He walked in and was surprised. The place was extremely small but clean. There was a small kitchen with a living room with a old loveseat with an old coffee table in front and a small tv. He walked to a door and found a small bathroom. He closed the door and went to only other door. Of course, it was the bedroom. It was the perfect size for someone that lives alone. It fit a queen sized bed that was half made probably due to Jimin being in pain. He had a small closet with a body length mirror and small dresser.

Jungkook noticed in a corner a small desk with a laptop and photos scattered all around it. He walks up to them and started smiling. He saw pictures of children playing, pictures of Hoseok smiling brightly with a customer, and many flowers. He didn't understand why he was smiling but it ended when he heard Hoseok explaining where Jimin's room is. He watched them gently place Jimin into his bed and Hoseok covering him with his blanket.

"Yoongi and I have to go back to the mansion to grab my supplies we'll be back as soon as we can," Taehyung explained he and Yoongi began to leave. Jungkook eyed them weirdly, "I'm not going with you guys?" Taehyung and Yoongi looked at him, "you're staying here to watch over him and make sure nothing happens," Yoongi explained before walking out the bedroom. Jungkook rolled his eyes and looked at Hoseok who was looking at Jimin with sad eyes.

"Hoseok hyung how long have you known Jimin?" Jungkook asked as he walked up next to him. Hoseok looked to him, "we met a few years back, I was out getting coffee and Jimin was working at coffee shop when a coworker tripped him and made him spill hot coffee all over me. His boss fired him right there on the spot not caring how many times he begged him not to. He apologized countless times to me saying he'll pay for dry cleaning this and that. I repeatedly told him it was okay, I felt bad he had just lost his job. He insisted I go to his place so he can clean my shirt. I couldn't resist so I went. He let me borrow one of his shirts as he cleaned mine. He also made us coffee and then we talked and then that's how we became friends."

Jungkook chuckled but also felt bad, he got fired for something that wasn't his fault. "It's okay he's gotten over that place. He hated it anyways, his boss was a jerk and so were his coworkers. He only kept the job because it paid for all his camera equipment," Hoseok explained as he looked over to the desk with photos. Jungkook looked over at the photos too, "he's really good." Hoseok gave a small smile, "he's been in love with photography since he was a little kid. He's parents showed him the wonders of photography but they passed away about a year ago, a drunk driver hit them both as they were crossing the street to go to a park to take pictures. It nearly killed Jimin, I came over everyday to make sure he wasn't going to do anything rash," he looked back at the sleeping Jimin with a sad look.

Jungkook's heart broke. He lost his mother after he was born and it destroyed his father. It was because of his mother's death that made his father start the Jeon Mafia. Jungkook looked at Jimin, "by doing something rash do you mean..." Jungkook couldn't even finish his sentence and just watch Hoseok nod sadly. Hoseok sighed and gently placed a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, "I'm going to go make some tea, would you like some?" Jungkook nodded yes with a small please as he started to follow Hoseok out of the bedroom. "Stay here and sit at his desk. Watch over him while I make the tea," Hoseok pointed at the chair next to the desk and then left for the kitchen.

Jungkook sighed as he walked to the chair and carefully sat down not wanting to hurt himself and pull any stitches a part. He stared Jimin noticing small things, like his blond hair is gently brushed to the side of his face not covering he's eyes and he saw how his plump lips are slightly a part so he could breathe and are just asking to be kiss.

Jungkook shook his head, the fuck is up with that thought. He turned and faced the desk and looked at all the photos. A photo in the corner of his eyes caught his attention. He picked it up and examined it. There were three people in it. It took him a few moments to realize who they were. It was Jimin and his parents. Jimin looked different in the picture though, he had black hair instead of his blond that he has now. Jungkook continued to admire the happy looking family until he heard crying. He turned carefully towards Jimin and saw tears streaming down his face.

Jungkook got up fast but gingerly and went over to Jimin, "hey Jimin wake up. Jimin wake up!" Jungkook began to panic as the tears became sobs. He kept hearing Jimin mumble no don't leave me. Jungkook was about to leave and get Hoseok when Jimin sat up and grabbed Jungkook's hand, "please don't leave me," Jimin whimpered he's eyes glazed with tears. Jungkook sat down on the bed and was shocked by Jimin when he crawled onto his lap.

Jimin just kept crying and whimpering and begging for Jungkook not to leave him. Jungkook stroked Jimin's hair and held him tight and repeatedly told him that he wasn't going anywhere. Just as Jimin's cries and whimpers started to die down Hoseok started to walk into the room when he saw the two. He grinned then walked away before anyone noticed him.


"We're back!" Taehyung claimed loudly as he and Yoongi walked into the apartment. Hoseok hushed them getting a weird glance from the both of them. Hoseok just gave them a sly smile, "I think Jimin will be okay. Let's just leave Jungkook to take care of him." Taehyung eyed him weirdly again and was about to say something medical when Yoongi put his hand over Taehyung's mouth, "then what do we do?" Yoongi questioned as he understood what he was saying.

Hoseok gave his signature smile that made Yoongi's heart jump, "drink some tea and get to know each other," he grabbed the teapot and placed it on the coffee table. Taehyung was beyond confused but just went with Yoongi and Hoseok who made themselves comfortable on the loveseat.

To be honest, I feel like this chapter is shit 😔.

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