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Hoseok-ah? Are you asleep?

sent 10:29pm

Yeah I am hyung. Is something wrong?

sent 10:30pm

No, just can't sleep is all.

Oh you too, hyung? I've been laying here watching Jiminnie.

I've been listening to Taehyung snore. Not fun to be honest.

Hyung I have headphones you can borrow lol.

sent 10:31pm

Are you sure? You're not using them?

I'm not lol. I'm coming over with them! See you soon! ❤️

Okay see you soon Hobi :)

Yoongi stared at his phone a bit until he heard a soft knock at the door. He careful tiptoed his way to the door without waking up the sleeping beauties. He quietly opened it and stepped out to see his sunshine smiling happily to him. 

"Here are my headphones hyung," Hoseok whispered happily as he pulled the headphones from his jacket pocket. Yoongi gave him his gummy smile and thanked him before taking the headphones for Hoseok. "I might be able to actually get some sleep thanks to you, Hobi," Yoongi gave an air laugh so he couldn't wake up those around them. Hoseok gave him a big smile and an airy laugh too, "Okay hyung I'm going to go and try and get some sleep. Hopefully you'll get some sleep too. Good night." Yoongi gave him a tired look, "Good night, Hobi," and before Hoseok could walking away he gave him a peck on the lips.

Hoseok smiled brightly as he gave him a peck back and made his way back to Jimin's room. Yoongi made is way back into Jungkook's room and made himself comfortable again. He put in Hoseok's headphones and just fell asleep to sweet thoughts about his little sunshine. 


It was a beautiful day, not a single cloud covered the vibrant blue sky. Birds were singing and flying happily over many people rushing to work and school. The sun shone brightly into Jungkook's room, the rays of light hitting him directly in the face. He groaned in discomfort and tried to cover his face with his arms. No luck previled for the boy so he sighed in defeat and opened his eyes. He looked around and noticed he was alone. He grabbed his phone and saw a text from Taehyung.

Hey Sleeping Beauty! If you end up waking up before Yoongi-hyung and I get back we just wanted to let you know that we went and got breakfast with Hoseok-hyung and Jimin-hyung's friends, Seokjin and Namjoon-hyung. Be back soon! 

Jungkook whined at the nickname given to him by his hyung and glanced at the time on his phone. When he saw it was 11:10 am he climbed out of bed and made his way to Jimin's room. The door was ajar and voices were coming out of the room so he gave a slight knock before entering the room.

"I'm sorry. I hope I'm not interuppting," Jungkook apologized as he walked further into the room. He noticed a slightly frowning Jimin laying in bed and a nurse standing next to him. Jimin's frown went away when he noticed Jungkook walked in. The nurse looked at Jungkook with a fake smile before bidding Jimin goodbye. Jungkook gave the nurse a weird look before turning all of his attention onto Jimin.

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