😱Anxiety: anxiety is a bitch. It makes us think the impossible, is possible. It's the one that lurks behind every corner and is always the one we never expect to find. It more than fear, its a feeling of knowing something will go wrong.
😟Depression: its not just sadness, its like a weight that's always pulling you down. We pull this weight with us everywhere we go, and it feels like we're slowly dying inside. Over the years, people have learned to hide it, but not many have learned how to accept it.
🍺Addiction: it the thing in our heads that go "I need it, I need it, I need it!", and we tend to listen. People develop these habits because it give their body or mind a feel of satisfaction. It's a slow but painless death, and that's what do scary about it; you won't feel it coming.
🔪Self-harm: We. Are. Not. Masochists. Even if we enjoy the pain. Sometimes, its the blame that we have for ourselves or that others put on us. Its just a big "blame-game" where everyone loses.
🔫Suicide: Please...don't....don't do it. Don't throw away your beautiful life. A life full of tragedy is better than no life at all. You may not see or understand it now, but...there are People out there who love and care about you. You have someone who needs you, as much as you need them, so please don't do this.
💞Love: love is the most beautiful and the most dangerous thing to ever exist. When we fall in love with someone, our hearts become valuable. It can cause us to do some really stupid shit. It can build us up or in can tear us down, but the scary thing is, it doesn't depend on us.
🌈Sexuality: you are who you are nothing can change that, or should I say, there should be a reason for you to change. If you like the same sex, cool, ok, there isn't a wrong with that, I do to. If you like the opposite sex, cool, there's nothing problem with that. If you like both sexes, great! If you don't like any gender, ok. If you're transgender, that completely fine, if you plan on transitioning, then good luck. If you don't have a gender, then that's ok too. Be who you are, and love yourself.
🌺Beauty: the world has a fucked up version of this word. What is beauty? There honestly isn't a concrete definition for the word beauty. YOU! You are beauty. He is beauty. She is beauty. They are beauty. The world is beauty and it is beautiful. Don't ever forget how beautiful you are and how beautiful everyone else can be.
Sometimes things are hard [personal Journal]
RandomThis is my journal. I plan on writing how I feel, and what's going on with my life. It's all personal, and I would really appreciate it if you gave me answers to any of my questions. I will also answer any of your questions.