Chapter Seven - Risk

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Leah's POV

Jennifer and I have been having a lot of arguments lately. When you're in a relationship, you're going to fight about stuff. I know it's normal and healthy to hash out things. Well, it's actually weird if you don't have anything to disagree over.
But some are dumb. Like really, dumb.

It's one of those Netflix night debates,

"Do you want to watch Game of Thrones?"
"No, I want to watch Riverdale—"
"Okay, what about House of Cards?"
"I kinda wanted to watch River-"
"We could always do Breaking Bad"

Or one of those days where days where you can't decide what to eat.

"Do you want Chinese or Italian for dinner?"
"I want what you want"
"I don't care what we do"
"Just tell me what is that you want"
"Whatever, just pick"
"Let's just get a damn sushi"

The one with stupid accusations.

"Where did you put my shit? You're always hiding away my things"
Moments pass...
"Oh here it is. In my front packet. I love you"

Of the most hilarious ones.

"Babe, y-your eyebrows are not even today"
Then she did a sharp glare from the mirror.
"Did you just tell me my brows aren't on fleek?!"
"Huh..what? No I just said-"
"You said I'm terrible"
"I never said that! I said it's"

Yeah, that's the most unbelievable dumb fight we had. Over her eyebrows. Yep, she didn't talk to me the whole day after that.

Moving on, the point is It felt somehow good to have bounds of disagreement. In fact, it is during those heated moments when we truly get to learn who the other person is. It can be fun and playful sometimes. Now I know what Jennifer deprived of as a child.


"Oh god, baby! Look, that's me!" Jennifer squeals, pointing at the newsstand inside the store we passed by. She was so happy. The look in her face is priceless, her nose scrunching up, eyes almost disappears smiles and her gums are showing. I'd never exchange that for anything, I could look at her all day.

We're at some random bookstore inside the mall. A lot of people approached Jennifer and asked for some pictures which she gladly did. Jennifer seems excited to be back, she's a sweetie whenever she sees a fan. I wouldn't normally let someone hug her especially if it was a guy fan, yes- I maybe a little protective but I mean, c'mon look at her. Every person's eye is glued to her ass as we walk by. I'm not very happy about that.

The magazine recently came out, it's now available on the newsstands. I've read some articles posted online too. It has great reviews, people are making such fuss about it and at first it's probably a good thing for now before it all got crazy. The media is good at that sometimes.

"You've said that for the fifth time baby, are you still overwhelmed by it?" I giggled, rubbing my thumb over her knuckles. "Yeah, seriously. I still can't believe it. It's been so long and now that- ugh it feels surreal" she exclaimed, her smile still hasn't fade. "Well, it's happening. You should be proud of yourself" I said, swinging our hands together. "Yeah, c'mon let's go home, I'm so exhausted"


The next few weeks went very well. Jennifer has been doing a lot of guesting in a lot of shows, many brands has been wanting to get her as their model, and the best thing that ever happened is she got offered to be back on modeling at Victoria Secret show. Jennifer was really happy, I've never seen her like this. So yeah, she made a deal and signed a contract with them. Of course, I supported her, every step of the way I'm with her. She got really busy and that's expected but we rarely got to spend sometime together.

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