Hide And Seek

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Hello, quick authors note here! You'll want to read this if you want to know what is going on in this.
1) They are both 7 years old and do not have their miraculous.
2) This takes place in the playground of a school with a group of friends.
3) This is basically if Adrien was allowed to go to school from a young age, as most kids do.
I hope you enjoy this one, I literally just thought of this and needed to get it down.

"10.. 9..!" The girl started to count as everyone ran off. Marinette was one of those first people to run, but where could she hide?

Behind a tree? No, Nino is there. Behind the climbing frame? No, that was where she hide last time. Then she spotted the perfect place.

Behind the shed. She ran as fast as she could, her little pigtails bopping behind her. As she reached it, she slid between the fence and the shed.

It didn't have much space, but it was shadowy enough to keep her hidden.

"Hey, this is my spot!" A voice from behind her came.

Marinette jumped a little, careful not to be too loud. When she turned she saw the small blond boy that always sat at the front of the class. She had never really talked to him before but that didn't stop her from not talking to him now.

"Well, it's mine now!" She poked her tongue out at him.

The boy seemed shocked for a second, before returning to normal. "Fine, I guess I could share." He leaned against the shed opposite her.

"I'm Marinette!" The young girl smiled. "I like glitter and cats and playing games!" She listed.

"I'm, uh, I'm Adrien." The boy smiled a little. "I like cats too!"

Marinette silenced as the seeker walked past. She had blond hair that was always neat and clothes that looked like they were made for a 30-year-old, but they fit her perfectly. Marinette had decided to stay away from her the moment she saw her put gum in Rose's hair.

"Shhh!" Adrien warned quietly, though she had stopped talking a while ago.

"I am shhh!" She whispered back.

"No you're not, I can hear you."

"And I can hear you."

Marinette rolled her eyes as if she was already annoyed though she had only just properly met him.

"At least Chloe didn't hear you." Adrien poked his head out to make sure the blond girl was gone.

"So that's her name?" Marinette wrinkled her nose. "I don't think she's nice."

Adrien shrugged his shoulders.

"Found you!" They heard Chloe shout from afar. There was a bunch of screaming and the tapping of feet as they tried to get away.

Marinette sucked in a breath and moved further back.

"Don't sweat it, I hide here all the time and I've never been found," Adrien smirked.

"Really?" Marinette faced him again.

"Nope, never!" He crossed his arms over his small chest.

The girl let out a sigh of relief as if this were a life or death situation. The screaming stopped and everything was silent again.

After 10 more minutes of quiet chattering between the two children, the school bell went signalling it was time for lessons again.

Marinette came out of the hiding place, Adrien followed close behind.

"Pound it!" They both said in sync as they bumped fists.

"Jinx!" Adrien shouted before running off back to class.

Marinette pouted, now knowing she couldn't talk.

Let's just say, Marinette and Adrien started to hide together a lot more often after that day.

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