The Maze.

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Inside you'll find your destiny, they said.

You won't get lost if you follow your heart, they said.

Well, guess what.

I'm lost!

I groaned out loud as I turned a corner, only to find another dead end. I'm pretty sure that was the same dead end I saw an hour ago.

"Do I hear a damsel in distress?"

I looked around in the dark maze frantically to find the owner of the voice.

"Chat Noir!" I practically leapt on him.

The black superhero stumbled back as he chucked. "Glad to see you too, M'Ladybug."

"I was starting to think I was alone in here!" I pulled away from him with a smile.

Chat bowed, and then looked at my waist. "They took your yoyo too?" He shook his head. "They took my staff."

"Well." I sighed. "There goes my plan. I guess we should go and find our way out."

After what seemed like hours of walking around, I groaned again, walking into another dead end. "I swear this is the same one!"

"I told you we have already been this way!" Chat crossed his arms.

"Well if you hadn't spent all of that time picking flowers we might've actually made some progress!"

Chat was silent for a moment. "Fine. I'll go on my own." And with that, I was left alone again.

I let out a groan and began walking in the opposite direction.


The sun was setting. Just great. And not long after the sun set, I found myself walking in pitch darkness.

I let out a low groan ad I felt the cold leaves hit my face again. "Come on! I've been here for hours now just let me out!"

"M'lady? I would've thought you'd be out now." I looked around in the dark, my eyes meeting with a pair of bright green ones.

Of course, night vision.

"Chat?" I slowly made my way over towards those bright green eyes, not even feeling my feet moving.

I got so close I could feel his warm breath on my face. "Ladybug."

"Look, Chat, I'm so-"

"No, don't say sorry. We were both angry about this and took it out on each other." Though I couldn't see his face, I could tell he was smiling. "Let's just get through this together."

I nodded, knowing he'd be able to see. With one swift movement, I felt his gloved hand in mine, and we set off a way I had presumed is forward.

"You'll find your destiny inside.." I whispered, looking down as we walked.

I could feel Chat's gaze on me. "You won't get lost if you follow your heart." He finished the quote.

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