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This one shot is dedicated to meepyxoxo HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIIIIRL I LOVE YOU💛💛💛

Now, on with the story~

I opened my eyes slowly. The last thing I can remember is a big flash of white before everything went black.

I rubbed my head and sat up with a groan. As I turned my head I could see everything was different, I was definitely not at home. I was in a small, dusty room made completely out of dark wood.

When I looked down, I was lying on a table. What the heck is going on?

"She's awake." One person murmured, which sounded very child-like.

"She is?" Another asked and then I heard footsteps. Footsteps coming towards me.

I went to grab my yo-yo from around my waist but realized it wasn't there and I wasn't wearing my usual Ladybug suit either. I was in a bright red dress that reached down to my feet which was covered in black spots. Seriously? What next?

I shouldn't have asked. "Witch!" A small child stepped out, she was wearing an old brown dress that clearly hadn't been washed in years.

"Burn her!" A boy who looked a couple of years older stepped out, in the same state as the girl.

"Woah, Kids, what's going on?" I asked as I got up, not exactly knowing what was going on.

"You're a witch!" The girl called.

"You killed Prince Noir!" The boy said, but neither of them came closer to me as if they were afraid.

"Prince Noir..? Wait, Chat Noir is here?!"

"Prince Noir is dead because of you!" You young girl cried.

So this is how it could get even stranger.

"Chat- I mean, Prince Noir is dead?" I faked a gasp. "Whatever happened?"

"You." The boy said this as if it was hard to pronounce. "You sent him to sleep and now he won't wake up until his one true love-"

"I can already see where this is going." I quickly cut him off and found my yo-yo on the ground. "True loves kiss, right?"

"Witch!" They both called.

"Yeah, yeah, just show me where this Prince of yours is." The girl pointed to a small window, which I hadn't even noticed was there.

When looking out of the window there was a very tall tower stood right in the middle of a massive field, how didn't I notice that?

"I feel like I'm in some kind of fairytale."


After much debate, the kids finally let me out of the house and I was on my way to the tower. Conveniently, there was a dirt road that leads straight there.

Though as I moved down that path, the tower only seemed to be getting further away. Just as I began to give up a horse strode over the path, though it was odd. As it stood in the light it's hair seemed almost golden. The horse turned around and looked at me.

Okay, I'm definitely in some sort of fairytale world what the heck?! I thought as I eyed the long horn sticking out of the horse's forehead.

"No way." I breathed out quietly. "Okay, whoever has drugged me this isn't funny!" I called out but got no response.

With a groan in defeat, I walked up to the unicorn and was surprised to see it wasn't afraid. If anything, it was asking for me to come closer by staring.

Black And Red •Lady Noir One Shots•Where stories live. Discover now