Movie "Date".

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Since Marinettes accident last week Chat Noir had been coming to check up on her every evening. It was only a small injury, a few bruises on her back and small cuts along the back of her shoulder blades. No biggie.

Currently, Marinette was sat at her computer doing physics homework which was her least favourite kind.

"Marinette!" Her mother, Sabine, called as she entered her daughter's room.

"Yes, Mamma?" She turned in her chair, leaning forward slightly so her back didn't lean on anything and hurt.

Her mother came over to her. "Are you sure you'll be able to handle this alone and you can remember everything?"

"I'm sure, Mamma. I'll have the 300 cupcakes made by the time she gets here for them which is tomorrow at.. 8 pm." Marinette said as confidently as possible.

"The thought of leaving my baby alone for four whole days just worries me!" Sabine wrapped her daughter in a tight hug, her arms wrapping around her back.

Marinette held back a whimper as she closed her eyes tight. "I can handle it, Mamma. I promise."

"Okay... We'll be going now. If you need anything you call me right away, okay?"

"I will." And with that, her mother left. After a couple of minutes, she could also hear the front door being locked up and their car pulling away.

"You look like you're in pain, Purrincess." Chat Noir said from Marinette's open window where he was sat.

Marinette jumped a little, putting more pain on her back. This time a little hiss escaped. "Oh, Chat. I'm fine." She faked a smile as best she could, but Chat's eyes only narrowed at her as he invited himself in and walked over to her.

"Don't lie to me, purrincess. This cat can smell a lie."

"You can't smell lies." She leaned back in her chair causing more pain which she ignored.

Chat leaned closer to the raven-haired teen. "Don't underestimate me. Let me see your back."

"Chat, you've already seen my back, you know it's healing."

"Do I have to do this the hard way?" He purred, walking around the chair she was sat in.

"Uh," Marinette paused, acting as if she were thinking. "I'd rather not do it the hard way." She decided and stood up for him. "I took the bandages off that you put on last night to have a shower."

Chat nodded, getting the first aid kit she kept on her desk. "Silly me, forgetting the girly needs."

"What? You don't shower?" Marinette wrinkled her nose as Chat pulled the back of her top up. This was awkward the first couple of times he did this but she was getting used to it now, he was like a mother cat grooming her child to her. Only, he would be a father cat, and she wasn't his child.

"That would litter-ally be horrible." Chat chuckled as he looked at her bareback. "I'm guessing you haven't told your parents about this then? You know, considering your mother has reopened all of the cuts with her bone-crushing hug."

Chat Noir began to treat her reopened wounds. He was surprisingly soft considering his large claws. "No, I don't want to worry them more. I was the one who persuaded them to go on this break, they work too much."

"I understand." Chat got the new bandages. "I'll need to lift up the front now so I can bandage all the way around. You know the drill, I won't look again I promise."

Marinette nodded. "Yeah, I'm starting to get used to this anyway." She bit her lip and raised the front of her top also. As promised, Chat stayed behind her and didn't look at her front as he wrapped the bandages around her upper back where all the open cuts were.

"You need to be more careful, otherwise these will be around for a long time which would be a total catostraphe!" He chuckled at his own pun. "Scars are nice, but not for a purrincess like yourself."

When Marinette didn't answer, he continued to talk. "Do you need a bit of help baking those cupcakes?" He asked softly as he finished off the bandages.

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

Once Marinette was all bandaged and ready they headed into the kitchen where she gave Chat Noir a white apron and put a pink one on herself.

Marinette took her time in tying the string into a loose bow on her back and turned to Chat who was having trouble tying his due to his claws.

The raven-haired teen laughed, and Chat pouted. "Come here, kitty." She came up behind the superhero and tied his apron for him. Which, by the way, looked ridiculous over a superhero costume.

"Thanks, Purrincess." He chuckled.


In just over 5 hours the duo had successfully made and decorated 300 cupcakes.

The duo fist bumped. "Poun-" Marinette quickly stopped herself when she saw Chat's gaze on her with a shocked expression.

Marinette faked a yawn while taking her apron off. "I'm tired."

"Movie time?" Chat pushed the suspicion aside as he sat on her couch and wrapped a blanket around himself.

Marinette joined him with two cups of hot chocolate and they flicked through channels until they came across a movie they could sit and watch.

The raven-haired teen shuffled around a bit, the bruises on her back seems to be a bit of a problem when it came to sitting down.

Chat noticed her discomfort and slid an arm around her waist, pulling her gently so her back was resting on his side. Marinette let out a sigh as she relaxed into his embrace.

Half an hour into the movie Chat's attention got snapped away by the sudden change in Marinette's breathing. When he looked down he saw the girls' eyes closed and was smiling in her sleep.

Chat Noir let his transformation go and turned back into his model self, Adrien Agreste. Adrien lay his head on hers and closed his eyes. The same thing had happened two nights ago, but on Marinette's bedroom floor after playing video games. He would just have to leave before she woke up, like last time, otherwise, she'd know he was just her lame school friend.

Tikki watched them from a distance before smiling to herself. She wouldn't tell Marinette who he was, she knew that she would find out soon enough.

Plagg flew over to Tikki and they both lay on the heads of their miraculous holders, cuddling each other.

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