Betrayal •Part Three•

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But she couldn't run. She was stuck. Chat Noir's strong arms held her close.

She could feel her heart beat rise every second. She finally tried to pull away but there was no sign of him letting her go.

Her breathing was rapid, her vision was blurry, she felt the blackness overcome her eyesight as she fell limp into his arms.


Marinette had her eyes closed. When she felt around, she knew she was laying down, but couldn't hear any of the familiar beeps this time. When she listened she could hear the soft breathing of someone else that sounded fairly close.

Her eyes snapped open as she remembered about Adrien. The ceiling looked familiar... It was her room.

The raven haired teen rolled onto her side and came almost face to face with the cat himself. There asleep in the chair next to her bed was Chat Noir.

His hair fell over his masked face, hiding his closed eyes. He looks so peaceful... Though when she looked closer, she could see that he had been crying by the marks running down his face, where he hadn't wiped the tears away.

Marinette slowly sat up, careful not to make a single sound. She was shaking all over and her heart was pounding. She held out a shaky hand and reached out to him. Her thumb brushed over his cheek, wiping the tears away. Something struck in her heart at the sight of him like this.

Chat Noir's breathing came to a stop as she realized his eyes were now open. Those same eyes that had haunted her for the past two years.

She didn't say anything as she wiped them from the other cheek, too.

"I'm sorry... So so so s-sorry.." He broke into tears again. She wanted to forgive him but knew things couldn't be cleared up that fast.

"I-I've missed you..." Marinette said, her voice shaking as she wrapped her arms around his chest to hug him...


Marinette walked down the quiet street, hand in hand with her blond headed model. It had been three years since Chat Blanc had ruined her life, and yet now she found herself closer with him than ever.

The nightmares hadn't stopped, but she was learning how to control them. As for her fear of cats-

Marinette gripped onto Adrien's arm for protection as a small white cat jumped out of a bush.

Adrien didn't let go of her, but knelt down in front of the cat, beckoning it over. Its fur was scruffy and it didn't have a collar, but it was still easily the cutest cat Marinette had ever seen.

The cat came over and leaned into Adrien's hand. "Adrien what are you-"

Adrien took his partner's hand and guided it down to the cat. Marinette let out a little squeak as she slowly held her hand over the cat.

"Chat Blanc.." Marinette whispered softly as she picked the cat up, suddenly not so afraid.

Adrien looked at her in shock. "Don't remind me."

"No, his name is Chat Blanc." She repeated. "He doesn't look like he has a home. He could be our.."

"Our little kitty?" Adrien finished and pulled her closer. He closed the gap and placed a soft kiss on her lips, without crushing the kitten in between them.

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