Vacation •Part One•

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"Bye Mama, Papa!" Marinette called to her parents before picking up her many suitcases.

"Have a good time, honey!" Her father called as they watched their daughter walk out.

"I will! I'll be back before you know it!" She pulled her big, red, wheeled suitcase along behind her and had a bunch of smaller pink bags in her hands.

Ring. Ring.

Marinette dug through one of her bags, dropping the others as she pulled her phone out and put it to her ear. "Hello?"

"Marinette! Where are you? You're going to miss our plane." Marinette was relieved to hear Alya's voice as she picked up her bags and continued to walk.

Marinette looked up at the airport which wasn't as far away. "Chill, Alya! We've still got another twenty minutes until it leaves. I'm right outside, anyway."

"Okay, girl! I'll meet you inside."

"Okay see y-"

"One more thing before I forget!" Alya quickly cut in. "You know you chose the window seat? Guess who I just found out has got the seat next to you?"

Marinette was about to answer, but a limo pulled up on the path beside her and Adrien stepped out. "A-Adrien?" Marinette stuttered.

"Yeah, Mari! How did you guess?" Alya said through the phone.

Marinette stopped in her tracks. "I, uh... Wait, he's sitting next to me for the whole way?!" She hissed quietly through the phone.

"Listen, Mari, I've got to go! Meet me inside, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'll be there asap!" Marinette hung up and put her phone in her pocket.

I'm. Sitting. Next. To. Adrien. On. A. Plane. For. Eight. Hours. Marinette was screaming on the inside. What if I say something stupid? what if I act like a totally dorkasaurus!

"Hey, Marinette." Adrien walked up next to the anxious teen, completely unaware of her freaking out inside. Unlike Marinette, he was only carrying one suitcase.

Marinette jumped back. "Gah!" She squeaked, taken by surprise. "O-oh! H-hi Adrien!"

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking ahead of them as they walked into the airport.

"Oh, yeah," Marinette did her best to smile. "I guess I'm just nervous about flying."

"I am too." He admitted as they showed their passports. "Well, not scared scared. I just don't like the thought of leaving Paris." On its own. He added on the end in his head, but he knew Ladybug was capable of handling Hawkmoth alone for a week.

"I get what you mean, more than you'd imagine." They passed through the doors and walked up to their plane.

Once onboard, Alya jumped up and wrapped her arms around Marinette. "Mari, you made it! I couldn't go alone!"

"Yeah, I'm here! I couldn't leave you alone." They laughed and went their separate ways to their own seats.

The Raven haired teen looked down at her seat. As Alya had said, Adrien was already sat in the one beside hers. Great. Now comes the awkward bit of walking past everything to get to the end.

"Excuse me." Marinette said politely as she made her way past various sets of legs and sat in her seat next to the window.

Marinette pulled her bag up onto her lap as she put her seatbelt on. "Hey, Mari. Looks like we're plane buddies!"

"Y-yeah, we are!" She smiled and opened up her bag, to see an excited looking Tikki. "Stay out of sight," Marinette whispered quietly as Tikki came out and went to the window to look out.

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