Betrayal •Part Two•

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Everyone fell silent after that dreaded crack.

The outline of a purple butterfly appeared on Chat Blanc's face. "No! What have you done! I wanted her miraculous, not a dead body, stupid Cat!" Hawkmoth's voice boomed over as it disappeared.

No sooner than it disappeared, Chat Blanc fell unconscious on top of his former partners limp body, his suit turning back.

Not only did he fall, but all the villains did also as they transformed back.

Alya was first to look up. "Oh my god! ladybug, Chat Noir! What happened to them?"


A soft beeping filled Marinette's ears. Soft and rhythmic, always one after another. No faster. No slower. Always the same.

There was a soft shuffling as Marinette opened one eye, the bright white light blinded her, before a figure blocked it. A pair of soft cat eyes looked down at her.

As her eyes adjusted, they widened. There was Chat himself, looking down at her.

At that moment, the beeps started to get faster and shorter as she began to scream.

Chat looked shocked, with a sad look in his eyes as a flock of nurses rushed in, dragging him out of the room.


"Are you sure you're ready to come home?" Sabine looked at her daughter with a worried look.

Marinette nodded, the pain in her head hurt. A lot. But it had faded over the last month. "Yeah. I bet I've missed a lot of school."

"That Chat Noir kept on coming to visit you.." Her father said softly. "Do you have any idea why?"

Again, the beeps got louder as Marinette paled. The rest was a blur of doctors injecting her with who-knows-what.


"So how long have you been having these nightmares?" The tall blond woman looked up from her notes she had made in the last hour, to the raven-haired girl, sat upright in her hospital gown.

"About six months ago... Or was it 8? I don't know.." Marinette put a grape in her mouth.

"So when you had the accident?" Marinette nodded in response. Yeah, accident. She thought. "And you say they all had... Cats in them. Have you always had a fear of cats?"

The teen let out a shaky breath. Chat Noir clearly knew who she was beneath the mask now otherwise he wouldn't have tried to visit all those times

"No. It only started recently.. I have no idea why." She lied.

"Okay. That's enough for today, I can see you're still tired. Next time I see you you'll be back home. Is that correct?"

"Uh, yeah, thanks.." Marinette shook her hand before she left.


"Marinette?" Came a soft voice.

Marinette looked up at the doorway, seeing the last person she'd expect to run into. "A-Adrien..?" She got up to sit on the edge of her bed as Tikki flew around, secretly trying to hide all of the pictures of the blond.

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