Vacation •Part Two•

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"Thanks, Adrien." She smiled politely and took her bags from him.

"Anytime, Mari." He winked. He actually winked. "I'll see you soon." He said simply before walking down the hall and disappearing into the room next door to her own and Alya's.

Why did that wink seem so familiar? She wondered as the entered their room, which Alya was already ready in.

She was wearing a yellow swimsuit which was low on her back and revealed most of her belly. She looked stunning.

"Marinette, hurry and get changed!" She ushered her best friend has she tied her hair into a bun. It was weird to see her hair up, it looked nice it was just the fact that Marinette wasn't used to it.

"Okay, okay, I'm going!" Marinette giggled and got her own clothes to wear. She went into the toilet room and changed into her red bikini - what? Were you expecting it to be any other colour than red? Didn't think so.

Marinette came out and Alya squealed. "Girl! You look amazing! If Adrien doesn't notice you I might have to slap some sense into that boy!"

"You look even better than amazing! You should put your hair up more often." Marinette pushed Alya playfully so she could see in the mirror to put her hair up into a single ponytail, instead of two pigtails.

"Let's not keep those boys waiting!" Alya laughed.

"Wait!" Marinette grabbed her arm. "I have to ask! What's going on between you and Nino at the moment?"

"Well.." Alya smirked. "We did kiss just before we got onto the plane here.."

"No way!"

"Yes, way!" Both of the girls jumped up and down screaming.

"In your own time, girls!" Adrien called from the other side of their door.

Alya and Marinette looked at each other before bursting out with laughter. Once they calmed down, Marinette walked over to the door and opened it, coming face to face with Adrien.

Their eyes locked. Adrien was only wearing black swim shorts which were sewn with a lime green thread which was clearly visible -though it was probably supposed to be visible considering he looked great - his chest completely uncovered. She had imagined him to have some muscle, but it was hard to resist the temptation just to reach out and run her hand along his chest.

They both got cut out of their daze when Nino swiped her hand between their faces. "Earth to lovebirds!"

They both blinked and giggled nervously. "L-lets get going." Adrien smiled as best he could and lead the way with Nino next to him.

Alya moved next to Marinette's ear. "Wow. You're drawling."

The raven-haired teen quickly wiped her mouth. "No, I wasn't!"

Alya only laughed and grabbed her arm gently, pulling her along so they could catch up with the boys.


Sand seeped between Marinette's toes as she took her first step onto the boiling sand. Without warning, Adrien picked her up bridal style.

"A-Adrien!" She squeaked.

Adrien chuckled, taking her further onto the beach. "You're not getting away with sitting on the sidelines."

"I wasn't! I.. I was just taking my time." She crossed her arms, pouting. "Put me down!"

"Whatever you want Purr~incess." Before she could have a second to process what he had just said, Adrien let go of her and she fell into the warm water.

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