Betrayal •Part One•

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Ladybug stood on top of a roof, looking over the city briefly. Today had seemed like any other day to her, though there hadn't been an Akuma attack yet and it was almost evening. That's why she was out, it felt unusually calm.

Just when her mind started to wonder there was a soft vibration in her hand. She looked down at her yo-yo, just as she had expected, there was a little green phone in the middle of the small black spot.

With a swift flick of her wrist, her yo-yo flipped up and the white screen changed to a picture of Chat Noir's grinning face.

"Hello, M'Lady." He greeted, though he held the screen way too close, she couldn't see much other than his face.

"Good evening, Kitty. What's going on?" She raised an eyebrow and stood up, ready to run off to his aid.

"Now that you mention it.." There was a shuffling as he hesitated. "I am in a bit of a pickle. Care to come to help a cat in need?"

"I'll be right there." She hung up, not bothering to ask for details. She pulled up her mini GPS and followed her little Kitty tracker to a long hall.

She landed on the roof. "I guess they are inside then.." She muttered to herself before dropping in and onto the ground.

As Ladybug lifted her eyes to the other end of the long hall, the sight shocked her. There at the other end was every akumatized villain you could think of. From Lady WiFi, Stone Heart, Roger Cop, to The Puppeteer, AntiBug, Evilistrator and Volphina. As well as the rest, all facing the Red Superhero. And right at the front of them all, as if being their leader was...

"Chat Noir.." She gasped. But he looked different. Not the same hero she had known so well. "What's going on..?"

"It's not Chat Noir anymore." There was a venom in his voice that she had never heard before. "The name is Chat Blanc."

There was an eerie silence between all of the villains. 

"What's going on?" She repeated again, a bit more stern this time.

"Do you know how long you have been driving me mad?"

"What do you mea-"

He cut her off. "All those times you just pushed me away. Rejected me. Do you know how much pain you have caused me?" His voice raised towards the end.

"Chat-" but she couldn't find the words to say sorry.

"Save it! I'm going to put this all to an end." Chat Blanc waved a hand and the villains started to move towards her. "I'm going to find out who you are once and for all so I can ruin your life for good! Then you'll know how it feels!"

"Nice to meet you again, Ladybug," Antibug smirked.

"Chloe." She glared at her. "Chat please, we can talk about this!" She begged, but her eyes left him and she was spinning her yo-yo in front of her for protection as she watched the akumatized victims get closer with each second.

Chat Blanc stood still as he leaned forward on his baton, ready to watch the fight before him like an eager little kid going to see Frozen for the first time. (A/N: First movie I could think of xD so sorry!)

Antibug was the first one to move. she threw her mostly black yo-yo to which Ladybug also threw hers, making the copies retract.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Lady WiFi swiped her hand over her phone, sending out a pause symbol which Ladybug on just dodged as she leaned back. Like she was playing Limbo with a much darker force than just a pole.

Ladybug let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding as she stood upright. But before long, CopyChat was running straight at her.

The red Superhero groaned and threw her yo-yo, tripping him up the process. While her back was turned, Pixilator fired, making her hand - which was holding the yo-yo - turn into pixels.

Her yo-yo fell to the ground. Her only weapon. She went to reach for it, only for Copy Cat to kick it away.

"Stop trying Ladybug, just accept you're going to lose." Chat Blanc purred as he stood upright.

"Never!" She shouted back just as Roger Cop came up behind her, holding her arms - what was left of them - behind her back in a strong grip.

She was powerless against them as she struggled. And then it dawned on her. I've lost to the person I thought I could trust.

Chat Blanc held up a hand, which stopped all of the villains from walking towards Ladybug. "Let's see who you are... Shall we?"

He raised his baton above his head with both hands and began running towards her.

Ladybug's eyes widened as he jumped, and swung his baton to aim for her head.

"Chat! What are are you-"



I hope you enjoyed this little one. I know, I know, there is hardly any Lady Noir in this but there is going to be a part two because I'm terrible at trying to be mean and leaving - whoever reads this - on a cliff hanger.


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