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I sigh softly as I sit in my spinning chair, finally finished putting some old photos up on my wall. Some were of me and old friends, some others completely random, but they all meant something to me.

Tikki smiled as she flew up to the wall, looking at all of the different pictures individually. "What's this one?"

She pointed with her small hands to a picture of me and a friend sat in a log, surrounded by trees.

I took a sip from my water bottle, the cold water had warmed slightly, though it still did the job of making my once dry mouth wet again.

"We made it!" Chloe called out next to me, picking her hair out of her face as she stood up proud, though I stayed on the log.

"It only took us.." I pause to look at my watch, taking my jacket from around my neck and tying it around my waist to cool myself down. "About three hours!"

The blonde came back over to sit with me on the log, looking out at the city below us from the massive hill we have climbed.

"Guess what this means.." I ask excitedly, opening my bag.

Chloe looked back to me and bounced excitedly. "Gummy bears?"

"Yes!" I giggle and open up the packet. We were there for about an hour or so, finally able to tick this off our mini bucket lists we had made together.

I shake my head at Tikki. "Oh, I and Chloe actually used to be friends. We basically made a bucket list and climbed a massive hill." I explained simply with a shrug, not wanting to think about it too much.

"Okay.." The Kwami murmured curiously, looking at a few others that are up. "What about this? I don't remember you ever mentioning a dog to me."

She again pointed to another picture. One I had taken myself with a dog sat next to me, both of us posing.

I put some popcorn in my mouth, my eyes glued to the tv as I watched my favourite movie. This always happened when I came to my grandma's house.

Though someone else had an eye for my popcorn too. A middle sized black and white dog in his early teens, sat at my feet, his head resting in my lap.

"What are you doing? Come on, up!" I giggle a bit and pat the space next to me, him willingly jumping up beside me. "Good boy Harley."

We had always been close. It may sound strange, but we have a connection, not even my grandma has with him.

We both sat and watched the movie together for a while, though being the teenager I was, I got distracted by my phone.

I held my phone up to take a picture of myself when Harley turned around and looked at the camera too, so I ended up taking a bunch of pictures with him.

"Oh, that's just my Grandmas dog.." I reply simply again, flicking through a few more I had, smiling as I saw Adrien in a few.

Tikki came back to me, looking down at the ones I was smiling at and shook her head with a laugh.


"Oh, nothing. It's just that even though you have all of these great memories you still smile more when seeing Adrien." Tikki teased, sitting back on my desk.

I sigh dreamily and lean back, hugging the picture close. "I guess you're right..."

"But I have a feeling he'll end up being the best memory."

I'm sorry this one is a little bit shorter, all over the place, and random, buuuuut I just wanted to quickly write another one because it has been so long since I've updated. So don't kill me! I'm doing this so I can upload two at a time for you❤️

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