chapter 3

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I walked up to everyone standing around the car,Caleb was leaning on the side of the car talking to his sister but still opened his arms to hug me."how's my nephew nora "

"He is fine"I said lowly as I looked at Caleb.the tuxedo effect was really working for him well I mean he is handsome without it.

I slid into the front seat and waited for us to start driving to the party. The car ride was everything I expected it to be loud fun yet exhausting.

They could sing their lungs off and still want to talk right after it completely insane but I love them.

Soon we drove up to the entrance of the party,which really made me happy because it looked like we were about to enter castle or well a really fancy club either way is fine.

Anywho I got out the car and waited for Caleb to come to my side considering we have stick together because angel and Maria might not even stay in the main room if you catch my drift.yup there nasty like that.

I looped our arms together as we started walking up to the door because we were semi late so there were definetly people here already.

I went straight to the kitchen to thank all my staff that was working today.

The party was in full blast, I was going around talking with some of the guest and dancing with Caleb just a bit.I was so happy because of the fact that I haven't seen him at all,it really gave me a chance to enjoy myself.

I walked over to table that was full of sweets,it was a weakness of mine because I have a huge sweet tooth.I picked up a sugar cookie and kinda stuffed it in my mouth as gracefully as I could.

"You always did have a sweet tooth"

I heard a deep alluring yet cold and sharp voice behind me,his voice alone made me weak.his whole in bodyment
made me shivers,I didn't need to look into those eyes or even look at him to know that I want all that prepared to be near him.

I walked away from the table and went to find Caleb,I didn't hear him walking behind me not that I would because of the music blasting.I found Caleb at our table with angel and maria,they definetly had sex but that's not important.

"He's here"I said next to Caleb's ear as I sat down.

Caleb grabbed my hand and gave it a little squeeze as he explain it to everyone else."relax elly he isn't important right now"angelica said

It was nice for her to try to reinsure me but I could literally feel his sharp piercing eyes staring into the back of my head.

Those intense blue eyes were burning holes into me,it was making me uncomfortable.

"Caleb please let go of my hand "I said because it was what he was staring at the most.he let go of my hand but not without kissing it first,Caleb always loved to make gabrail jealous ever chance he could get.

I hated how this room felt,it felt like I was being pushed into a room that was closing in on itself.I've never like when my nerves were all over the place and I felt like I was suffocating.I pushed Caleb's hand off waist because we were dancing and made my way out the room.

This might have been the worse thing to do when you trying to stay away from someone but I needed to get out and into some fresh air.

I slid my figers through my hair as soon as I made it to a place where I couldn't feel his eyes was pass 3 am and I was just really in the mood to go home and sleep next to my son.

"Eleanor"my name always feel off his tongue with a hint of his accent.I slowly turned to look at him,he was just as handsome as before but with a bigger build and more of a business man face.

"Gabrail"I tried to say as cold as possible.

Ok so gabrail is Stephen amell because I think he's hot.

__________________________Ok so gabrail is Stephen amell because I think he's hot

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