chapter 4

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"Did you already move on from your baby daddy and start sinking your claw into Caleb"he spat at me with venom clear in his voice.

"Don't start "I said as I let out an exhausting breadth.

"I won't stop you were the only woman I ever loved and you cheated on me,now after 3 years you still haven't admitted that you did long are you going to make this play out"he asked as he grabbed my arm.

"Gabrail after all those years of us together you should have been able to trust me but you didn't ,you went by some shit video that some dumb ass gave you"I just let out 3 years of anger that I've held just for the day I could yell at him.

I started pushing him away from me but he didn't budge,"I've watched it so many times and nothing in that showed its not you "

"Then you dont know me"I boldly said as kicked him were the sun doesnt shine.

I quickly walked back into the room,I grabbed my bag and got the closest uber to me which was about five minutes.

I tapped my foot impatiently as I looked down the street and behind me,it was either gabrail got me or my ride got here.

I let out a small squeal as the driver came,honestly he was a cool man but my mind was completely somewhere else.

I paid the man before going into my house,I went straight to the bathroom to take off all my makeup and have a shower.

I let out another sigh before going into zack's room,he was already sleeping in his baby bed but I needed him next to I picked him up and brought him to my room,now you might be like you shouldn't let your baby sleep in the same bed as you because its dangerous.

Well zack is three and no longer a newborn so I think he is capable to sleep in my bed.

Anywho I put him in his spot on my bed and went to sleep as soon as my head landed on the pillow.

I opened my eyes slightly as I heard someone moving around my room,I turned towards the person to see Anna pacing around my room.

"Ana what's wrong"I said as I tried to get up but zack was holding onto my I had to lift him up,he has always been very clingy in the morning well until I give him a bottle.

"There is a very handsome man waiting for you down stairs,he said that he wouldn't leave without seeing you"

I had a god awful feeling drop into my stomach of course I was still hoping and praying that it wasn't  gabrail.but of course all my hope was gone when I saw those blue eyes,I walk down the stairs with zack still in my arms.

"Why are you in my house"I asked softly not wanting to startle zack.

He looked at zack for a little while before turning to me,"I cant do it anymore,I need you back in my arms L"

My nickname rolled off his tongue like warm chocolate.
I was honestly taken back by his response, he clearly hasn't been to sleep in a long time but I tried not to care.

"I dont want that anymore gabrail,your trust in me was broken over something so dumb when I needed you the most"I said right as Zach grabbed my face with his tiny little hand,he made me look him in the eyes.

"Teeeeeeaaaa"he said as he fair cries.

I let out a small giggle before walking in to kitchen with him,I could hear gabrail follow us but I paid him no mind.

I started making his chocolate milk and put it in the microwave to heat it,then i gave it to zack which he gladly took from me.I put him on the floor so he could go drink in his spot in the couch.

"How old is he L"he asked as he watched zack walk out the room.

"3 years old,now gabrail please leave"

He came over and grabbed my waist pulling me toward his chest,his touch gave me tingles just like it did back in high school but I wouldn't  let him see the effect he still had on me.

"I want you back"he said as he leaned in more.

"You weren't saying that when our lawyers were present or when I begged you to believe me"

"I was acting with my feelings and not logic,I thought you the only girl I've ever loved left me for a bum"he put his hands on my cheek so I would look in his eyes.

"Cut the shit and get out my house"I said as I pulled away from him.

"I'll be back tomorrow "he said as he walked out the kitchen but not before kissing my cheek.

I love this book so much it something I've never written before like the type that it is and its fun to write.

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