chapter 14

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I watched as zack went into the house with lisa while I stand by the car with gap because he thinks we need to talk.

"What do you want to talk about gabrail"ask as I lean against the car.He stood directly in front of me and reach to touch my face.

"Are you still mad about the other day Babe"he asked no longer using my nickname.

"Of course im still mad your acting like you didnt ask me to come live in California with you and leave everything I made for wasn't even like oh L we can move your business up here, it was L you can stay at home with zack"

"Im sorry I want thinking about your business I was thinking about you and zack staying with me"he said as he pulled me in his arms.

"Your lucky im not a feminist otherwise this could have been a lot worse"

He nodded his head before capututing my lips in a heated kiss,I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me and place my bum on the car.gab slipped his tongue in my mouth as he held my waist tightly.

"Gabrail you haven't come to one of our family gatherings in months and now I find you kissing a girl right in front of the house,just like when you were in high school"a deep voice boomed from the front door.

I let out a small laugh as I remember the time when gab brought me over here after our date and we ended up making out on the car.I looking into gab's eyes to see the held so much love and amusement.

I slid off the side of the car and turn to see to look at George, he had only aged a bit probably with a bit more wrinkles on his face.he looked from gab to me and looked absolutely stunned,"princess?"

He call me princess because I was basically his first girl child since him and his wife only had boys,he treated me like a princess up until had had to decide who to believe and honestly I don't blame him for choosing his first born.

Anyways I walked up and gave him a big hug,he always made me feel at home whenever I was over here and it really helped my heart.

"I missed you so much and almost killed gabrail when he told me it was all fake,I couldn't believe that I didnt see it before"

We parted and i felt gab grab my waist and lead me inside,we walked into the living room to see zack and Lisa doing a power ranger pose.thinking about it now she is the best grandma anyone can ask for.

" Lisa did you find anything kid at the park again "George asked as he walked up to Lisa.

"No he is our grandson fool,they might be on that only boy curse thing too"she said as she looked at both me and gab.

He lifted up zack and placed him on his hip,and tried to make a bond with his new grandson but the part that made me tense up was that I could hear the voices of people.

They were laughing and getting closer,"gab im going up"

I quickly walked up towards gab's old room and locked the door behind me,my parents are old friends to these people and even without me they would still be friends.I kicked off my shoes and dropped on the bed,this was going to be a problem because they have literally treated me.

They said that if they ever see me again that I would be taken out,so basically im going to get associated.

I heard someone knock on the door,I opened it to see a furious gab.

He came in and start pacing around room while running his fingers through his hair.I plopped on the bed back first opening my arms for gab to come lay down with me.

He paced for a little before laying down between my legs and placing his head by my neck,"I didnt know they were here im sorry,we can go home"

"Are you kidding your mom really wanted you here since you just stopped coming completely and she really likes showing off zack"I said before I slid my fingers through his hair.

He sighed and pecked my lips,"your tense babe

"Im scared to face them"

"Your fine babe"

He kissed my lips again before rolling over laying on his back with me on top of his chest,"gab they will kill me"

I did it....yay

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