chapter 1(remake)

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"Zackery please we need to get ready" shouted the young mother as she chased after her baby in hopes that he will finally let her put his pants on him.
At least her baby was happy as he ran away from her like a little cub running away from bath time. she didn't dare imagine what he would be like with that monster, so she simply never imagined it.

Soon enough she cornered him and like in the old Western movie they would watch aka toy story she pulled out her fake gun, her finger.

"I've got you now dirty Dan" she almost laughed at herself for making that reference but she needed to stay in character. he put his tiny hands up in surrender as he stared up at his mom, but this didn't stop the onslaught of puppy eyes. he even got his lip to tremble perfectly almost like he has been practicing for years.

"Those don't work in this situation young man you need to put on some pants," she said softly as she lifted him up in her arms and went to his room for his pants.

"Oh my goodness you look so adorable like a little prince ready to find his princess"Ellinor

As she snapped pics of her son Ellinor heard a panicked person banging on her door."Elly this is an emergency"

"You're never going to believe this, OMG OMG cancel everything like right now" shouted her best friend Angelica. if it wasn't for her fast thinking she might have dropped her phone right on top of Zack.

anywho as soon as Angelica made it into the room she saw the adorable little Zack in the clothes that she designed and she went crazy.

"I just knew in my heart that I could make the cutest children clothes ever and guess what I did,ohhhh look at you baby Zack so cute and a real charmer no wonder little blank is so in love with you" Angelica was so happy that she completely forgot what she was going to say to ellanor.

"he is going on a play date with her when Calum gets here, they are going to the park for a picnic"Elly sighed thinking about how her little man was only five and already had a girlfriend and was going on a date too.

she felt that so much that she almost started crying but lucky she probably be in a comfortable place in her career where she can finally get into a relationship and be happy too.

"oh yeah, what were you going to tell me angel?"

"i....... I forgot"she gently knocked her head before she made zack start to pose in her clothes.

oh, course right before all could even probe her brain about it she heard the doorbell ring which meant that they need to go because as cute as blank as she was very impatient when it comes to zack.el quickly raced to the door to greet the  two that were standing outside.

"Hey, are you two ready?"Callum was leaned against the wall with his hand crossed looking like one of those brooding teens you see in the movies. His shaggy brown hair that is usually very clean and well done is now messy and hanging from the side.his eyes that are usually so bright and ready for Adventure, are tired almost lifeless.

"The real question is are you ready,your practically dead right now"El walked up and checked if he had a fever.he was slightly hot but it felt normal,she pulled him into the house and on to the couch.

"God are you taking drugs, please tell if your taking not drugs....wait don't tell me I don't watch you die from drugs.OMG what if your dying from drugs what do I do to stop the effect"El was freaking out as she thought of one of her best friend dying from an overdose or something.

Angelica came out the room with Zack when she heard her best friend having a fit in the living room.As she walked down the stairs she saw her brother looking pretty bad,his eyes were barely open and he sank more and more into a sleep like state."wow that all-nighter really did a number on you and here  I thought you could handle it"

His eyes popped open ever so slightly,"shut up angel it's your fault with all your nitpicking on the dress and the shoes..the whole outfit over and over and over again"

"How about you just rest here and me and angel will go out with the kids,they have been looking forward to this play date at there school for a while"Maria quickly held onto Zack's arm like they were walking down the aisle.

"But because your so busy with your grand opening and the new clothing line I barely get to hang with you"The pout on his sleepy face made El want to hug him for the rest of her life,her best friend who she hasn't seen in about two weeks just wanted to hang out but was stifled by human needs.

"Great well how about we get some coffee in your system for a little jump start and when we come back you can crash here"El quickly walked to the kitchen so no objections could be made because she knew how much he hated coffee.he said the crash after the coffee buzz made him want to throw up.

It took a couple of minutes before the coffee kicked in but when it did they were on their way to the elementary school's pinic play date.(for the young,rich and beautiful 😁)

Ok so many....many.....many (made that seem like more than it was)people have asked me to continue this book but personally Wattpad is kinda dead in my eyes like I barely touch the app anymore
But I will try...don't hold me to it,it's not set in stone because really I've practically given up on writing in general

Anyways if I continue writing this I'm going to rewrite promises that it will be the same level of fun to some.sorry.i guess

Also I clearly don't remember how to spell her name

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