chapter 10

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I rested my head against the wall as I stare into the office,this was the the place where we had our final was untouched from when he dropped books on the floor to the glass on the floor from the mirror he punched.

It was like I was looking back in time,I could imagine us both there yell about opposite things.I wanted him to trust me and make our love show him what was right but to him I was only trying to cover things up.

I slid down the walls and just continued looking in,im being brainwashed by him and its working.

I heard the door open with to sets of footsteps.small ones of my baby and gab,I stayed on the floor and let them pass the office hallway and into the kitchen.they went outside for something I wasn't really listening.

"L"he called as he went half way up the stairs

"Floor"I shouted from my spot.

He came over with some chocolate in his hands with a cute smile on his face......I think im going crazy.

"I hate you"I said softly as I turned my head,I might sound bipolar but really he is breaking me.

He slowly sat down next to me and put a hand up to my face but I moved from him,"penny for a thought"he asked as he looked me in the eyes.

"Your breaking me,everytime I see you smile or say that stupid romantic shit i get lost and lose my common.look at me im back in California for god sakes I promised myself never to come back here."I said as I pulled my knees up to my chest like a teen.

"Then let me fix"

"You can't fix everything "

"I can try.... Te amo"

I close my eyes and clutch my ears,he was being cute but I can't let it sink in.he would have all control if I listen to him,"get away from me gab"

He walked up to me and kissed my head also dropping the chocolate before walking away.

He almost made me jump on him when he spoke those word to me,he speaks about 3 different lauguages so you can imagine how many cute things he can say.
"I feel like im back in high school,im going crazy I want to love him again but on the other hand I want him out of my face"I said as pace around the room with angel on the ipad.

"You just need to calm down elly "


She looked shock that I raised my voice considering I have to be pretty emotional to do not a loud person.

"So your not in your house"

"No im not,im in California in my old house basically just waiting for the love spell to turn back on and for me to run in his arms"

"Elly you can't get rid of the feeling because you never got over him when you had the chance so it stuck to you and now that you want to be mad your mind won't let it can't fight it now so just talk to him and try again"she said seriously.

I nodded to her but didn't fully want to commit to being with him yet because I don't know if hes serious.

I hung up on angel nicely before walking down and into the kitchen,the boys clearly weren't inside but when I walked toward the back sliding door I could hear zack laughing.I looked out to see him and gab playing tag or playing in the dirt.

I stood by the door just watching the two of them be cute it made me crack a smile with how much fun they were having.

"Mommy"I heard zack scream as he spotted me at the door,he came running towards the door.

I opened it quickly so he wouldn't slam into the door,he had dirt everywhere and so did gab.

"Can't you guys try to stay clean"I asked as I tried to shake out some of the dirt out of my baby's hair.

"No we need mommy to make sure we stay clean"gab said as he looked at me with a smile that almost made my heart burst.I tried to hide my smile just a bit and looked away from him.

"Can you go clean up while I bathe him,I don't need dirt in the food I make for dinner"

"Isn't that the main ingredient"he said right before he walked off chuckling at his own joke while I stood there glaring at him.

I huffed before getting a diaper from zack's baby bag and a shirt.

This is for tomorrow because im stuffing all my homework into one day and won't have time..... procrastination is not good kids get it out your life before it becomes too late😳😳😔

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