chapter 12

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I opened my eyes to see gab come in the room with some eggs and bacon it wasn't what most people eat when the're sick but I really needed something in my stomach right now.

"When you done swallow down some Advil,you think your up to seeing mom"he asked as he placed the food on the nightstand and helped sit up slowly.

"Well yea I need to thank her she isn't my mother so with her taking care of me like im her child is really helpful"I said as I start to stuff bacon in my mouth.He nodded before leaving me again.

One after the other fate has made it so hard for me to keep my distance from him,im so dumb.

I really wanted to give into him like really really bad but im trying to show how much I didn't need him it clearly isn't working.

"You know he is a beautiful boy"Lisa said as she walked in the room.

(I forgot her name)

"Thanks he is very well energetic boy but I wanted to thank you for make breakfast for me"

"Its no problem honey I think you need a break once and a while when you have to take care of two children"she said lowly so gab wouldn't hear.

We started talking about how ive been and what its like living in the most bipolar state ever.she told me how she was doing which consisted of getting a new dog and a new daughter in law,gabrail's bother Roland got married.

Soon the anvil kicked in and I was knocked out for a couple of hours.

Gabrail pov
Its been a couple of hours since Eleanor fell asleep and now mom has no one else to bother because zack waiting for food she came after me.

"Mom we are trying to fix this"I said as I handed zack a bowl of mashed potatoes.

"But what if you never sent in the divorce papers"she asked hoping that there was a chance that me and L never got divorce.

"I wish I never sent them in but I did and I regret it all,I regret not trusting her because I let the jealousy cloud my mind.I regret not taking this baby as mine even if he wasn't, I regret it all"

I felt all my emotions hit me at once as I looked at zack my beautiful son that is now three years old,he grew up with only his mom while I was out messing around with girls and driving everyone important  to me out of my life.

This was the first time me and my mother have talked in person in the last 4 months we usually talk over the phone.

I missed laughing with my family and having real friends but after L left me I started hanging out with faker people and practically disowned my whole family.

"Mom im broken and I feel like she is the only way to help fix it"

"Please let someone in "she said softly before walking out.

I looked at zack to see him looking past me towards the door,"gab did you mean it"

I turned towards L who was holding herself as she leaned against the door frame.

"I mean it all I messed up my life and it all started when I divorced you.I missed my Child's birth and his first everything because I was being dumb"I said as stepped in front of her.

She looked into my eyes,it held a wound that was deep and still open,she was hurt but she wanted it to heal.

"I never wanted to admit this to anyone but I never stopped thinking about you,ive tried forgetting but never could because I need you and only you"she said as she wrapped her arms around me.

I grabbed her like it was all a dream and put her close to my mangled heart,"ive missed you so much"

She let out a small whimper as she held onto me tightly like I was only a figment of her imagination and would leave,"I missed you too gab"
Sorry about yesterday but I fell asleep the second I got home from school.

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