chapter 8

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"How are you"she asked with an uncertain voice.

"Im fine"I said as I looked at gab who was staring at me with a smile,he's creepy.

"Are you guys finally back together"

"We are trying to fix thinga but I'll sent him back to you when he gets annoying"I said as gabrail reached for the phone.

"So tomorrow "she said just as gabrail grabbed the phone which made me giggle.

He talked with his mom childishly while I looked over at zack to see him basically falling asleep on his toy mat.

I slowly got off the bed and filled up the tub a bit before going into the cabinet to get zack's body wash,"can you bring zack for me"

"Sure"he said before he walked in with zack,he help me bathe him and put him in his sleep clothes.

I plopped me and zack into bed while gab started getting ready to leave,"are you going back"I asked I turned to face him.

"Do you want me to stay in bed L"he asked as leaned over me.

"I want you to sleep you've been work yourself hard and I bet you barely sleep"

He smiled before taking off his blazer,"gabrail I know damn well you don't sleep in that"

He let out a chuckle before stripping down to his boxers like he did when we were married."you just want to see me naked"

He climbed into the bed and pulled my hand into his,he was soon sleeping like zack .
There was a noise that kept making wake up,it sounded like the buzzing of someone texting but it clearly wasn't  my phone.

"Gabrail answer the phone"I said as I hit him with a pillow,he grumbled something under his breadth before lifting me over zack and into his arms.

He had me flush against his chest and quickly answered his phone,"what"

I heard a few little mumbles but nothing was clear,"she broke in and now is crying"

He let out a heavy sigh before hanging up,he got up from the bed and started getting ready to leave.

"L come with me"

"No thanks"I said as I rolled up in the sheet.

"You can sleep in the bed with zack"

"You want me to sleep in your hotel room that was just broken into with our 3 year old son"

"Yup"he said as he turned on the lights and lifted me out of bed.

I move his hands from around me and put on a robe,my stomach was killing me but I guess it was from all the junk food.
I put a blanket around zack so he wouldn't get sick.

We quickly got in the car and started driving to his hotel room,it was a beautiful place but at this point I just really wanted to sleep and zack was getting heavy.

We entered the room to see a girl sitting on the floor crying her eyes out,she reminded me of me when gab kicked me out.I walked past everyone and into the bedroom where I place zack on the bed.

I was about to get into bed when I heard gab screaming,I was sure he woke up the whole building with his voice and just like that zack was awake.

I have always trued to keep zack sleeping as long as possible because once he was awake he wont go back to sleep for a few hours.

My eyes clouded over when zack got up and started exploring,he walked to the door and opened it.he wondered around the room looking at the body guards and the woman before going up to his dad.

He looked up at me and I make the death sign to him by sliding one finger across my neck.

"Get her out of here please and if you hear me shout it means my wife is killing me"he said as he looked me dead in the eyes.

He walked in with zack and closed the door,"im not your wife"

"L your mine"he said as he tried to kiss me again.

I turned my head so he would kiss my cheek,"your staying with zack"

Honestly im not that satisfied with this chapter but its ok.

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