chapter 11

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I felt arms wrapped around me as I rose from the bed,I honestly loved and hated being in the middle of the bed.

I love it because im in the middle of two warm bodies and don't have to worry about sheet being pulled off me.

But I hate how when I wake up I have to be careful because these two sleep pretty late compared to me and I have to sleep next to gap.

He was just so comfy and warm but my stubborn mind kept me awake trying not to give into his warm hard yet pillow like chest,it was hard but I managed but what did I really accomplish?

A huge minegrane.

My head felt like it was about to explode and as soon as I lift my head all the way up thee pain seem to increase.I slowly put my feet on thee ground after getting gab off me and tried walking to the bath room to splash water on my face and cool off.

With ever step I took it seemed like I was making a mini earthquake in my mind,it hurt like hell to say the least. I didn't even make it to the bathroom which is probably for the best because it might have been over if I hit tile instead of carpet.

I landed on the carpet with an oaf and waited for gabrail to come,I may or may not have said this before but gab is a light sleeper.

"L what happened "he said as I come over to pick me up.
I didn't answer I fear that it would only make matters with this headache worse.

"I had I feeling you didn't sleep last night"he said probably noticing the small bags that from my lack of sleep and the lack of coffee to help.

"I've told you not to do that especially without drinking some coffee are you insane,I can't do this without you L"

I nod my head as I look into those hypnotic eyes,I felt the soft material of the mattress hit my back as I stare up at him.

He put his hand up to my head feeling my temperature,"you have a small fever"

He looked over at zack and felt him too before grabbing his phone,"hey mom could you come over"

"Sure thing bugger give me about 8 minutes "

I turn so my back is to gab and rest tried to sleep but this headache was about to bring me to tears.

I know that you shouldn't cry when you have a headache but the pain was some much that I just couldn't help but let the tears fly.

"Baby don't cry"gab said quietly as he kissed my cheek.he slide his fingers through my hair which actually lessened the pain just a bit.

"Im going to go open the door"gab said as he pulled away from me.

He practically forced me to nap on his chest while he played with my hair,it was a very nice feeling but again I was too stubborn and didn't let myself fall to deep.

I heard the mumbles of a couple of people before gab came back up,"mom is going to make breakfast and don't worry about zack I'll make him a bottle"

"Do you remember how I made it"I ask softly

"Yea I do "

I nodded to him before rolling into his pillow and closing my eyes,I could feel him smiling the second I got on his pillow.I felt him kiss my head before picking up zack.

"I'll bring you some Advil after we get some in your system "he said before he left to a quite room,it definetly helped with this type of headache.

This is a sweet were not doing much type of chapter just like every else in this story.

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