chapter 26

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My eyes water as I yawn,we finally made it back home to which I fortified completely. I tried to give gab my phone but he again said i was over reacting and took all my stuff down."baby please come here"gab called for me as I continued to pace around the house.

I clearly was over thinking this but im scared I went over to gab with my head down and laid on him.I squeezed myself in between him and the couch while placing my head on his chest,he had sat zack on the floor in front of us on his mat.

"Your going to give yourself gray hair"he said as he ran his hands through my hair,he kiss my head before watching his movie.

I lifted myself up and pulled his face down to me,"I love you"

He leaning in catching my lips,I could tell he was just about to deepen the kiss when my phone fright I moved away quickly leaving it on the couch with gab while I went over to my baby.

"Hello"I heard his say hardly.this went on for a few minutes before I heard something tap on a window in the kitchen,I grabbed zack up and went into the office.the office was one of the most protected room in the house besides the bedroom,I went into the corner and held zack close to my chest as I heard the glass finally shatter.

"WHERE IS SHE"I heard someone scream,I am the only she in this house so clearly they were looking for me but then I heard a bunch of footsteps come into the house before gunshots burst around from every corner.I covered zack's ears so he wouldn't cry from the loud noises,the sound of a gun always scared him especially because back then before me and angel moved we lived in a pretty violent reason why he can't deal with loud noises.

It could have been my ears playing with me but I swear I heard the door jingle before a gunshot,I swear I heard someone slump against the door.

It wasn't long before everything stopped and I heard,"get all the injured to the doctor and call jack"

Soon the door flew open and gab walking in with a frown,"I hate that you know to come in here when there's danger,I don't want you fearing for your life"

He lifted me off the ground and placed on his desk,he held zack in one arm as he pull us into a hug.I felt my body tremble as I hugged him back,"who was it"

"Don't worry about it just know that you will be safe no matter what"he said as he tried to kiss my forehead but I moved.

"I need to know in case your not here with us gab,you have a company to run and I can't follow you to everything plus we have a four year old baby"

He looked down at zack who seemed be dozing off in his dad's arms,he looked at him with so much love.which told me that he was already thinking of new placing in the house that he could

"We can talk about it when jack gets here but can I please just hold you both in my arms"

I wrapped my arms around his waist before kissing zacks head and placing mine by his neck.we stayed in this position till gab almost lost feeling in his arm because of the way he was holding zack.
I let out as small chuckle before looking at the sofa that he had in here for me,"is there any glass still on it"

I went over and slid my hands across the top then took out the cushions and shook them when it was all clean I told gab to but zack down in sofa.he placed him down softly before throwing himself on the otherside side with a sigh.his blonde hair fell into his face as he looked down at his shoes thinking,I walked over lifting his hands up to my waist.

He didn't respond right away but when I felt his hands finally play with what I like to call fat it made me happy.I moved between his legs and lifted his face up to look at me,"your going to have gray hair and wrinkles before zack turns 5"

"You will still love me"he said with a small smirk,his hands slid from my waist to my butt.I bit my lip to hold in my slick words it just wasn't the time for them.he got up and gently pulled my lip from my teeth,I looked up into his eyes and almost got completely got lost in his now darkened eyes.

"Don't tease me"he said as he voice went deep and very alluring,which made me want to jump on him.I composed myself when I looked at the door to see a man standing there with a smirk.

" Damn didn't know you like caramel gab"he said as he looked at my body.

"Stop looking at her like that jack"gab said as he let me go and walked over to him.

I am mixed but is that what white people call black people when they don't want to say black

I watched as they did there little bro hug then looked at me with smile,"jack this is Eleanor my wife"


I looked away towards zack who was curled into a ball probably because he is cold,I walked over to gab's chair and took the jacket.I placed it on his zack before sitting beside his and looking back at gab and jack.

"I come back and your married to a girl with a rocking body and a baby,like what the fuck man"

I let out a sigh,"im his ex wife and this is our son zack but more importantly I was told to wait for you to get her till I can know what really happened a few minutes ago"

I forgot zacks age so now he is four

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