chapter 6

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he quickly kissed my lips but held the back of my head so I wouldn't be able to push him away.

I was angry,frustrated ,livid and everyother word that means angry.I couldn't believe him,he thinks that just because im letting him in zack's life means that im his and I belong to him like fucking shoes.

He thinks that he can just run back into my life and automatically have me in his arms.

I tap my leg rapidly as I think about what he did,I could see my phone constantly going off with messages and calls but there's no way in hell I was going to respond to any of it.

I let out a sigh and looked at zack as he played with Claire or well sat down and smiled as she run around him.they were the cutest even though she is older than him by a couple months.I remember just a few days ago she told that she was going to be zack's girlfriend,she was probably just copying angel and Maria say to each other but it was still cute.

"Elly what happened to you at the partyand you haven't call in a whole week" angelica asked as she sat next to me

"Well I met a person at the part and I've had to deal with them the whole week"

"So common sense is telling me that you met gabrail and now he wants you both in life"

I only nod becauseshe was always freakishly with theses things.

"Elly its clear that you still love him"

I hum in response just to get her of my back before looking at the child that look almost  identical to his father.

-------one week later
I was in the kitchen throwing away the flowers that gabrail sent,I planted most of them but I didn't need the whole outside of my home looking like botanical gardens.

I took off my gloves and started washing my hand,right after turning off the faucet I hear zack crying,he has been going around the house looking for something but he went tell me what it is.

I ran into the living room to see him crying at the door,"where go"he cried.

I tried to pick him up but he would figjy me so he could look around the door some mores tear slid down his face."DADDY"he screamed as he dropped himself on the floor.

As I stare at him scream for his dad I realize its my fault and I felt like the biggest monster to ever.I've never seen him cry so hard for anyone so it really broke my heart to see him like this.I went back to grab my phone and call gabrail.

"L you final called back"he said happily

"Can you come over"I asked trying not to cry when I heard zack get louder.

"Give me ten minutes"he said as I heard him get up from his chair.

In those ten minutes I've ended up crying because of the way zack cried out for gabrail,he eventually came into my arms just to cry more.I carried zack up to the door as gabrail came up to the door,when I opened it he pulled is into his arms.

I felt zack grab him in disbelief, it made me start crying too.

"I felt like a monster"I said as I on the door frame looking at zack sleep in his room.

"He just wants us to be together"he said as he grabbed my waist.

"Don't use this situation for something else"

"Im just saying he want us both so lets fix this L"

I am a sad mermaid who just watch her sister go somewhere for the navy,anywho have a nice time

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