chapter 13

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"Lets go L"

"Shut up"I said as I tried to put on zack's shoe,he had already tried to fight me by moving his foot like f-ing soccer player.

I could hear gab come up the stair and I swear to god if he even opens his mouth I'll choke might be like I thought you guys fixed the problem and are back together,we are together again but that doesn't mean gab just changed or me.we still scream at each other and fight a lot as well it just what we do.

I put my hand up telling gab not to say anything to me because I clearly want in the mood,we made up about a week ago but last night gab basically demanded that I was going to stay in cali with him.

I tried to stay calm and tell him about the shops and he told me to move them which clearly pissed me off and we've been fighting ever since.

I slipped on both of zack's shoes before getting up and walking past gab and towards the car,we were going to his mom's house for dinner.

It was basically like a huge family gathering that all his family were going to which meant that I had to deal with the ones who hate my guts.

I let out a puff of air as I sat in the car waiting for gab to buckle zack up .

As we drove I felt gab put his hand on my thigh,he gave it a little squeeze as we came to a stop light.

"Are you still mad"he asked as he looked at me.

"Im just irritated and hungry so I guess im still mad"I answered before turning away from him.

We continued to drive in silence until we got to tie house.

As we drove up the driveway I could see Lisa standing at the door waiting for us,she was basically jumping with joy as she soon as she saw zack. They've been getting along quite well and its the cutest thing ever.

I came around and got zack but gab grabbed my arm,"lets talk"

Hime this is late and extremely short.

Im sorry final exams have me all obmver the place

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