I wake up on the forest floor, Xavier tapping my shoulder.
"Angelica, I got a message to my friends, Brynne's out."
I look up at him, feeling groggy from sleep. "She's...out? Just like that? She's home?" I question in disbelief.
"Well then that's great!" I grin. "When can we see her?" I'm smiling so wide now it feels like my face is about to split in half.
His eyes are darting about and he keeps shifting uncomfortably.
"Xavier....What's wrong? What aren't you telling me?" I whisper, suddenly very afraid. I guess "out" could mean a lot of things...
He says it slowly. "She's back...but she's not quite the same. She might not be the same person you know...but she'll return again eventually..." I stare at him, my mind trying to process it.
"Do you mean that she...can't feel? Is she as blank as the people that get caught and are treated for it?" I cover my hand over my mouth. "Oh gosh, she isn't, is she?"
He doesn't answer.
We're quiet for a long time. Finally I ask another question. "Well, when can I see her? Will she be back to normal soon?"
Xavier shakes his head. "I think it would be best if you stayed away for awhile, it might spike her parent's suspicions if you go and see her. Plus I think it would be hard for you to see her so unlike herself...How about you just wait awhile, okay? My friends will keep me updated and I'll let you know when it's a better time to see her," Xavier says quietly.
I nod. What Xavier doesn't know is that I'm already planning on how to see her.

Science FictionIn a futuristic society, Angelica has always accepted the dull, blank life of no emotions. Emotions have been outlawed, due to the fact that they "can interfere with productiveness and lead to much trouble." America has come to believe that a world...