Chapter 5

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(hey guys I decided to add a conflict between Carter and I.....because you know no ones love is perfect. lml hope you guys are enjoying the story.... comment what you want to see happen between Carter and I)

**we decided that we should just find a nice Italian pizzeria. we went in and made a reservation then went back to the hotel to chill**


**Kasey and Carter came back to the hotel and we decided to go swimming**

Elizabeth: hey guys wanna go swimming??

Carter and Kasey: yeah!!

Matthew: cmon Carter let's get ready

Carter: ok let's go!!   

**Carter and Matthew left. Kasey and I got ready and met Matthew and Carter at the pool.**


** We went to the pool and carter was already in the pool then I saw something that caught my eye. Some girl was all up on Carter in the pool. he saw me and said wait!!**

Carter: wait Kasey!!!

I ran into the elevator. Carter caught up to me just in time.

Carter: its not what it looked like.. she was giving me a hug.. she's just a fan!!

Kasey: ok I guess I just was scared because my last relationship wasn't the best my ex he cheated on me.

*I started to cry*

Carter: babe don't cry I won't hurt you like that I love you to much for me to hurt you.

Kasey: thanks babe I love you too. I'm gonna go take a nap I'll catch up with you later. just go back to the pool and have fun.

Carter: ok babe see you later

**we kissed for about 2 minutes then I pulled away and went to my room.. I layed down for a while then fell asleep..**

**3 hours later**

Carter: babe wake yu its time for our date!!

**I heard Carter say... I opened my eyes and grabbed his neck pulling him on the bed.. I the kissed him for 3 seconds and pulled away.**

Carter: really!!

Kasey: yes now get out so I can take a quick shower and get dressed!!

Carter: OK!! babe love you

Kasey: yeah yeah lml.

**I got in the shower.. after 20 minutes I was ready to go.**

Carter: ready??

Kasey: yep let's go!!

*as we walked out I texted Elizabeth and told her I'm okay.. then I heard a group of girls a one guy yell my name say Kasey over here... I walked over there and said**

Kasey: heey

Group: OMG we're your biggest fans

Kasey: lml thanks ill you guys tomorrow at the concert right??

Group: yeah

** we said our goodbyes and I returned to Carter.**

Carter: babe?? you know I love with all my heart right??

Kasey: yes babe I love you more than you know.. let's go in the restaurant.



**I got a text from Kasey saying she was ok and that she was out with Carter.**

Matthew: Today was crazy I hope that doesn't happen to us.

Elizabeth: me too wanna come to my room an watch some movies I'm exhausted??

Matthew: yeah babe let's go cuddle!!

(in the next chapter Elizabeth and Matthew with start to have conflicts stay turn for next Friday)

love at first sight (a Carter Reynolds and Matthew Espinosa story)Where stories live. Discover now