Kris (cute)

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You walked to your favorite café happily. It was a Saturday morning, and you felt so releived! Everything screamed "Happy" The sky, the people, and you.

You held tightly on your bag, as you entered the warm café. The smell of freshly brewed coffee hit you like a truck. You love that smell.

You patiently waited in line. Five minutes later, a soft voice called out.

"Uh, Miss? May I take your order?" a shy boy said.

"Can I have an Ice Americano please?" you beamed. He nodded and went to work right away. He finished and handed you your order.

You payed and offered a kind smile. You spotted an empty table and sat down enjoying the view of the sky outside.

The sun gingerly shining on your slightly tan skin. Making you hair a brighter shade of brown. Elegently to took a sip of your beverage, and put on your headphones. Humming, you dazed out.

A sudden breeze made you turn and a pair of dark brown eyes meet yours. It was like time stood still. His hand awkwardly reaching down to grab a sheet of paper on the floor. You continued to stare, as so was he.

He couldn't believe it. You shined brightly right in front of him. Your caramel brown eyes melting him into a puddle of goo.

"Uh, hi." you reached for the paper, and handed it to him. "I think this belongs to you?"

"Oh, uh thanks.."

"______ is my name"

"Thanks ________, my name is Kris"

"If you don't mind, would you care to join me?"

Kris smiled and sat down.


Kris and you had so much in common. Your conversations were endless and you didn't even know how much time has passed.

'He's perfect' you thought.

'She's perfect' Kris thought.


"Woohoo! Go Kris hyung!" Chen cheered.

"Leave him alone Chen, atleast he finally found his other half." The boy who served you said.

"Whatever Lay-hyung. Can you get me a muffin...?"

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